Lights Come On

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"What was that?" Jason asked after running up three flights of stairs and jumping into one of the lab rooms.

"I could care less right now! I just want to get out here!' Tracey said. Jason turned on the nearest light. Shadows disappeared revealing the objects that lay about the room.

"I find this extremely ridiculous that we are scared silly and trapped in our own institution." Jason said poking his head out of the room window.

"Most forensic institutions do not have random blackouts in the building nor do they have random screaming projected down the hall." Tracey commented.

"And that makes you scared how? We've never had this before." Jason said.

"Do you want to wander the halls alone searching for that mysterious scream?" Tracey asked.


"Didn't think so,"

"Hey looked this has a fire escape," Jason pointed out. Tracey peered out the window. Sure enough there was a fire escape that led out into the street.

"I'll call Brina and have her meet us up here," She said dialing her cell phone.

This is the LAST time I am picking Tracey up from work. Lynn thought. She had found refuge in the janitor's closet. Hiding amongst the cleaning items would have to suffice until she could tell if the coast was clear. No one would be able to hear her if she remained quiet...then her cell phone rang.

"Whoever you are HELP! I'm trapped in a haunted forensic institution in..." Lynn whispered.

"Lynn it's Tracey calm down! Go to room 12 on the third floor. Jason has found a fire escape." Tracey said before hanging up.

Lynn sighed. She slowly peeked out of the closet. No sound was heard nor did anything frightening greet her. Cautiously she stepped out of the room and hurried down the hall with a broom in her hands. If anyone would have seen this in broad daylight they would have thought she was insane but it's nighttime and one is trapped in a place where dead bodies are held, sometimes one's imagination tends to get the best of them.

Meanwhile Brina and Trenton were hiding under the staircase. "Is this usually how forensic institutions are run?" Trenton asked after a few moments.

"Not but considering that fact that Tracey works here it's probably just as chaotic." Brina poked her head from underneath the stairwell.

"The coast is clear," She announced.

"I feel like we're in a horror movie," Trenton commented.

"Don't say that!" Brina snapped as they emerged from their hiding spot. Suddenly a cell phone went off.

"Answer it! And tell whoever's calling that we're trapped in a haunted forensic institution with disorganized lunatics!" Trenton exclaimed.

"It's not my phone that's ringing," Brina said as she opened her phone. Trenton checked his as the ringing continued. Brina followed the sound around a corner, the ringing getting louder. High up in the corner of hall wedged between the door and the cornered walls was Ella.

"How did you get up there?" Brina asked putting her hands on her hips.

"I have no idea," Ella said jumping down from the corner. She pulled out her phone and answered it.

"Tracey said to meet her on the third floor in room 12. Jason found a fire escape." Ella reported.

"Yes! Let's go!" Brina exclaimed as they ran up the stairs to the third floor.

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