Where It All Began

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Lynn paced the floor of the waiting room in the E.R. She had been waiting for half an hour for Ella to arrive. On days when shifts ended late at night, waiting for someone else for a minute seemed like an hour.

"What took you so long?" Lynn asked as Ella walked into the waiting room.

"Sorry, my patient wouldn't stop talking and Dr. Lewis wants me to work in pediatrics next." Ella explained as they headed to the parking lot.

"My work starts tomorrow at 5:00 and then next week I'll have to rotate to cardiology." Ella added once they were in the car.

"Ugh, that's sounds like fun," Lynn commented as they began to drive away.

"Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to it." Ella said rolling her blue eyes. Half an hour later the car pulled up to a small apartment building.

"Well hello late night workers," Tracey greeted from the living room as Ella and Lynn walked into the room with a pizza box. They had stopped by Anthony's pizza to pick up dinner.

"We're not the only ones if your guys are still up." Lynn said as she set the pizza box on the coffee table.

Ever since freshman year in high school Lynn, Ella, Tracey and Brina joked about renting an apartment together in college and having a blast. So far everything had come true. They attended the same college, graduated from there and were now doing internships. Well everyone except Lynn. Despite the popular Asian stereotypes that people expected her to conform to, Lynn did not graduate medical school. She had the brains but not the guts to survive a three hour operation. Her drive to become a doctor was sudden gone. After only earning an associate's degree, she resided in being a "lowly" clerk in general surgery until she found a job that suited her better. Her income was what helped pay for the rent.

"Yes, but I got here before you," Tracey said taking a slice of pizza out of the box.

"You didn't have to attend two crazy operations did you?" Ella asked as she placed herself on the couch.

"Or have to call in the doctors," Lynn added.

"At least you got to save their lives before we ended up with them." Tracey teased cocking her head to the side, her blonde hair sweeping to the side. Tracey worked as an intern at the local forensic institution. Although it was nothing like NCIS, it had its quirks.

"Hey at least if you mess up your procedure, the patient is already dead!" Ella rebutted. Her brunette hair swished to the side as she swayed back and forth mockingly. Tracey threw a couch pillow her direction. Ella ducked and the pillow hit Brina who was sitting behind them at the computer, busy at work.

"Guys please! I'm trying to work!" Brina yelled picking the pillow up and throwing it back on the couch.

"And how was your day?" Lynn asked as she took a seat on the couch with her pizza.

"So far it sucked. I had to bring home papers that my lazy co-workers refused to translate!" Brina sarcastically remarked shuffling papers around. "That's it! Ain't nobody got time for this!" She exclaimed a she saved her work and turned off her computer.

"That's why you don't bring work home with you," Lynn said as Brina grabbed a piece of pizza.

"I wouldn't have to if my partner wasn't so lazy!" Brina remarked as she sat on the couch.

At work Brina dealt with clients at the Foreign Exchange with the classiest composure you would think she'd walked right out of a Jane Austen novel. But away from work she was the most down to earth, upfront and boisterous black girl anyone could ever meet. She boldly disproved many stereotypes by using proper English and speaking eloquent French. People would have to think twice about stereotyping her. On top of that she had a second degree black belt in Tai Kwando.

"So what's new with the hospital?" She asked.

"I'll have to a late shift again and I'll be working in pediatrics giving shots to LIVE people." Ella said. "So they most likely won't be ending up in the morgue." She added eyeing Tracey.

"Not unless you give them too much of the drug," Tracey commented.

"Whatever," Ella retorted.

"By the way, Lynn, I need a ride home tomorrow. Jason has to stay to do lab work." Tracey said.

"Who's Jason?" Brina asked.

"The person who's been giving me rides home this past week." She explained.

"How long have you known him?" Lynn asked leaning towards her, hand on her chin.

"Hey, he's just my colleague who does lab work," Tracey stated.

"Uh-huh," Brina said lifting her eyebrows and leaning back into the couch.

"When do you want to be picked up?" Lynn asked.

"Eh, I'll call you to let you know." Tracey said.

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