Trapped Like a Rat

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"Ok this is the building," Ella said as the pulled up.

"She's in room twenty five," Lynn said.

"Why are you telling me? You're going to get her." Ella said.

"No I picked her up last time, it's your turn." Lynn argued.

"Fine let's settle it with one round of rock-paper-scissors." Ella suggested.

"Loser goes to get her." Lynn stated sealing the deal. No one liked picking up Tracey from work. The room she worked in was in the same hallways as the morgue and everyone had a fear of stumbling in there and getting trapped.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Lynn cried making a fist.

"Ha I win! Paper covers rock!" Ella said covering her hand.

"Aw man!" Lynn groaned opening the car door.

"Don't be long," Ella laughed as Lynn slumped towards the building. She opened the glass doors and made her way down the hall. She stopped when she came to saw the numbers twenty-five and knocked on the door. Once the door opened an object flew through the air clocking her in the face.

"Whoa!" She gasped staggering backwards.

"Incoming!" A voice yelled. Lynn got down on the ground and covered her head with her hands. An earthshattering sound shook the walls and in the distance Lynn could glimpse at a small flame at the back of the room. It danced through the smoke before a fire extinguisher eradicated it. Coughing and sputtering Lynn managed to get up. Through the smoke an outline of a figure faintly appeared. A man stood with his back to her.

"Sir, are you ok?" Lynn asked cautiously approaching him.

"Well that was definitely propane." The guy remarked.

"I beg your pardon?" Lynn asked. Wearing goggles, covered in head to toe with smoke the guy whirled around to face her.

"I said it was definitely propane." He repeated looking straight at Lynn. "What? What are you staring at?" He asked as Lynn pointed to the small flame that caught onto his hair.

"Oh," He said looking up. He licked his fingers and pinched the flame making it hiss.

"Uh do you know Tracey Patten by chance?" Lynn asked remembering why she came here.

"And just who might you be?" The guy asked placing his goggles on top of his head. The part where the goggles covered his face was pale compared to the rest of him.

"I'm Lynn Langston, one of Tracey's friends; I'm here to pick her up." Lynn said.

"Oh I see, I'm Jason Collins; nice to meet you." Jason extended his hand.

"Uh nice to meet you too I guess," Lynn said shaking his hand.

"Tracey should be in the supply room across the hall." Jason pointed out the door.

"Thank you," Lynn said as walked across the hall. She opened the door to a dark room. She searched for the light switch not realizing the door had shut behind her. Once the light had been found the shadows in the room disappeared to reveal two lumps lying on the table covered with a white blanket.

"Oh no!" Lynn exclaimed and bolted to the door to find it locked.

"NOOO! HELP!" Lynn screeched pounding her fists on the door.

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