Devil Akuma

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"Devil Akuma"
Legal Writer: Demonic_Lover24


Xiaoyu exhaustedly stepped into shower. A lot has happened. She's glad that Alisa was fine after being beat-up. But Nina took Alisa to rebuild the parts that has crashed badly.

After taking a long shower, Panda let's herself led to the side of ger bed. She smile and sat to the corner of the bed.

"Oh, Panda, once again Jin left me," she said with a crumbled voice. Tears gone falling down her cheeks.

Xiaoyu brushed them off and laughed unhumourly. "I'm so dumb. Even though I want to help Jin I still can't keep it up with him," she cried.

Panda brushed herself to her leg.

"I wish... I could do something more valuable for him, but... I guess it's time to go back to reality. Forget about him and go back the way I use to be."

She'll just put the past behind. The thing Jin had said' that someday he wants her to come and defeat him and will be waiting, it's not gonna happen. She'll cut off all her ties with the Kazama and Mishima.


Xiaoyu didn't come to Kyoto International School for a week now. Alisa who was excited but at the same time disappointed was sitting in front of the gate. Waiting for her bestfriend to come.

She sigh heavily. "Have you decided to cut off ties with me, Xiaoyu?"

"Who are you talking to?"

Unsurprised Alisa didn't turn her head. "Lars, have you seen Xiaoyu? I'm worried."

Lars round his eyes and sat beside her. "No, I didn't. Why? She didn't come foe school?"

"Yup. And I'm afraid if we will be ever meeting again," she with a sad tone.

"Hey, stop mumbling. Maybe she was just tired after what happened."

"Hmp. What if she decided to cut off ties with Jin? Does that mean she won't be seeing me again?"

Lars growl. "Alisa, you two are best of friends. Why would Xiaoyu forget about you?"

She look up the sky. Even thougj she is a robot, she feels her chest heavy.

"Now that Shin is dead, you are not going to KIS again?" Lars asked.

"Hmm, it depends on what my master Jin orders me to do so."

Lars felt jealousy. "When will you stop serving that man?!"

"That'll never happen."

Both Alisa and Lars turn their heads behind them. They saw Jin with his leather clothes standing behind. They stood up and faced him.

"Man, are you picking a fight with me?!" Lars said.

Jin ignored him. "Alisa."

"Yes?" she responded.

"How long did Xiaoyu didn't attend to Kyota?"

Devil Akuma (ShortStory: Tekken Fanfic; Xiaoyu x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now