Chapter Four: Staying Alone For A Little While

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"AWWW But Wiiirtyyyy, do you have to go with the commoners?" (Y/N) pouted as Wirt was about to head out of the door for school. Greg was already out of the door by now.

Wirt turned around and sighed, "I'll be back in a few hours. We have a half day today so I set an alarm for when I'll be home. Don't wreck the place t-too much alright?" He smiled, doing a two finger salute. And with that he closed the door and was gone.

(Y/N) sighed, leaning against the wooden door. "Hmm, what to do..what to do..." She asked herself, pondering about what to do for the few free hours she had. She decided to go back upstairs to Wirt's room to lay down for a little bit longer. She reached his room, blushing and smiling to herself. "I really do appreciate him doing this for me..maybe commoners aren't all THAT bad..or..just him at least..~" She said, holding her cheeks in a Fangirling manner. She realized her mood change and shook her head quickly- "Eugh, what is with me?!" She asked herself. She found herself feeling a little flushed for the teenage boy.

For the next minutes, she wrote a card for Wirt and Greg about how much she appreciated them letting her stay with them and that she'll make it up to them sooner or later. Afterwards, she fell alseep.

"(Y/N), we're home." Wirt yelled when he walked in the door, sounding somewhat stressed.

"Where are you Miss accent lady?" Greg called out after.

"Greg, she's probably upstairs..I'll go check on her-" Wirt said in a monotone voice, walking upstairs. He walked in his room and found (Y/N) sleeping. He blushed a little at the sight, but smiled to himself. He glanced over to his nightstand, seeing a card. "What's that..?" He muttered to himself, walking over and picking up the card. He read it and blushed a little more, smiling even more than before.

"Hmm? Oh hey Wirty..~" (Y/N) yawned as she rubbed one of her eyes, blinking a few times. "Oh you saw the card already~?!" She asked exitedly, sitting up and bouncing on the bed a little. She smiled hopefully at Wirt, hoping that it was good enough.

"O-Oh yeah, e-erm--" Wirt coughed nervously, looking the other direction. He scratched his cheek a little, blushing furiously but refused to show it(even though (Y/N) probably saw already). "I-It was the least I could do..I-I couldn't just let you be alone like th-that...a-anyways-" Wirt continued, turning back to (Y/N)- "You probably need to eat, so come downstairs." He smiled and held out his hand for her.

(Y/N)'s face lit up when she heard 'eat' "F-food-" She murmured as she grabbed his hand and stood up. Wirt laughed and walked downstairs, dragging (Y/N) along with him.

(Y/N) Looked around for Greg, who was in the kitchen getting food as well. "Oh, there you are pretty lady~" Greg said in a cheerful and innocent voice. Wirt gave him somewhat of a glare while (Y/N) Laughed it off.

Wirt reached into the snack closet and pulled out a bag of..oddly shaped chips- or that's what (Y/N) thought of them.

"What are thoooooose?" (Y/N) whispered, running behind Wirt and hiding behind him. She slowly looked at the red bag from behind his shoulder.(Sorry I had to XD)

"O-oh, these? These are Doritos~" He snickered, picking up one of the chips and eating them.

"And what exactly are these..'Doritos'?" (Y/N) asked suspiciously, eye-balling the oddly shaped tortilla chips.

"They're chips of course, here, try one~" Wirt said in a calming tone, picking up another chip and gesturing it to (Y/N). (Y/N) opened her mouth and Wirt popped the chip in her mouth, smiling to himself.

"So, how is it?"

"MMMMMMF~" (Y/N) squealed while chewing. Her face lit up cheerfully as she held her cheeks, savoring the slightly spicy taste. "My, these are delisious! May I have a..nother one..? Please~?" She asked Wirt, pointing at the chips. Wirt nodded and gave her the bag.

For the rest of the time, Wirt and (Y/N) watched T.V and just talked about, you know, regular teenage stuff. Except from different points of views. And it was very clear that there was a connection sparking between them.

Entering The Other World (Wirt x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن