Chapter One - The Begining

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(Another things, this will be all in Third Person ^_^)

Once apon a time-
Wait, that's not necessary, this didn't happen in the past!
Anyways, the Unknown is ruled by a Royal Family. Yes, suprisingly, the Unknown doesn't seem like a place being Ruled, but it in fact is. The Royal Family consists of a King, a Queen, two Princes named Robert and Johnathan, and then lastly, a Princess that goes by the name of (Y/N). For Many Centuries, this Family has ruled over the Unknown, and has done a pretty good job doing it, over all. But there is always consequences....

"(Y/N), Boys, The Carriage will be arriving soon!" The Queen announced loudly.
"Yes Mother!" The Children replied.

"Oh, I simply cannot wait for this exquisite event!~" Robert squealed with joy. He excitedly clapped his hands, letting out happy noises.

Robert was the youngest sibling of the Three. He was outgoing, naive, and so fourth. Being eight years old, he was pretty smart for his age- even though he doesn't act like it most of the time.

"Please contain yourselves, we don't want the commoners thinking we're idiotis..." Jonathan stated, closing one eye and crossing his arms, looking more serious.

Jonathan was the eldest of the Three, being the more responsible and serious one. Even though he's a tough nut to crack, he can be childish at times, but that's not very often.

"Oh come on Johnny this should be FUN!~" (Y/N) Laughed aloud, making her eldest brother cringe a little.

(Y/N) was the middle child. Being like Robert, she is outgoing and happy-go-lucky, being optimistic about life. She is a little air-headed at times and tries to make the best out of bad situations. She labeled herself more as a "rebel" than a princess, doing everything somewhat opposite of that a Regular princess says or does.

"(Y/N) please contain yourself as well!" Jonathan scolded.

(Y/N) Smiled deviously and placed her hands on her hips, stomping her foot a little. "You're such a Killjoy~" She giggled. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? I'm just being myself as I should~" (Y/N) shrugged and smiled. Robert imitated and did the same stance (Y/N) was doing beside her.

Jonathan glared, "There's always some sort of consequence for your actions!" He raised his voice a little, flicking (Y/N)'s forehead.

"Owie, jerk!" (Y/N) Squeaked, holding her forehead afterwards.

"Children, the Carriage has arrived!" The King addressed. The three Siblings walked outside to the Carriage, entering it soon after. The Carriage was quite big, big enough to fit about 8 people- surprisingly.

"Wow, this thing is cool!" Robert said, hanging his head out of the window.

"I know it's so fancy looking!~" (Y/N) exclaimed, glancing around with sparkling eyes.

Jonathan sighed, holding the bridge of his nose in irritation- "Contain yourselves!" He cringed. "This is also an outside event, so don't ruin anything. Especially like last time." He glared at (Y/N).

"Hey it wasn't MY fault, someone pushed me into that table! So I found the prude, BORROWED the horse, and chased after him!" (Y/N) exclaimed in an embarrassed tone, making Robert laugh.

A little over an hour, the Royal family arrived. Trumpets where heard outside of the Carriage. Robert and (Y/N) looked out of the window, seeing a bunch of people in fancy attire. There was a wooden floor for dancing, a bunch of tables for food, and all of that stuff.

"Now children, don't get rowdy this time like the last time..." The King said, glancing at (Y/N). (Y/N) shrugged with a wide, nervous grin.

The Royal family stepped out of the Carriage, one by one starting with the King, Then the Queen, and so forth. They all entered the garden where the event was being held.

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