Chapter Three: These Two Are Certainly Interesting.

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"Is she dead?"

"Greg, I don't know! How can you be so casual about this situation?"

Two faint voices can be heard.

(Y/N) was slowly gaining her conscious back. She opened her eyes, seeing only two blurred figures hovering over her. They're voices where faint and muffled at first, but slowly got clearer and louder. "Eugh..where am I?" (Y/N) muttered.

"Oh, finally you're awake!!" The first one yelled, but not too loud. He sounded happy but he had a hint of worry in his voice.

"Hi lady with a weird accent~." The second one said. He seemed to be younger, mostly because his voice was a little higher and that he seemed to not know what's going on.

(Y/N) Sat up, leaning on her forearms. She finally got her hearing and vision back clearly. She took a look at the two males beside her, guessing that they where siblings. The first one was taller and more lean, having short brown hair and brown eyes. She looked over at the second one, who was probably the younger brother. He was short and he looked like the other one, but not exactly the same facial features.

"...Who are you?" (Y/N) squeaked, going wide eyed. She scurried back a little, feeling threatened.

"O-oh, I'm Wirt, and this is my little brother, G-Greg." The Taller one said, pointing to the smaller one.

(Y/N) nodded, and then realized something. Her bag. She looked around frantically for it, making worried squeaks. "M-MY BAG!" she panicked, soon glaring at Wirt. She pulled out her dagger from her jacket pocket and got up, walking over to Wirt. She pointed the dagger at Wirt, glaring down at him with a serious expression on. " bag. Have you seen it? If you're lying I will not hesitate to harm you!" (Y/N) said in a harsh tone.

"Uwah!!" Wirt squealed, raising his hands in front of him in defence. Greg just starred in awe, making the little 'o' shape with his mouth and holding his cheeks. "I-It's right here, It was around your neck and choking you s-so I removed it!" Wirt said, reaching behind him and grabbing the bag. He held it up, smiling nervously.

"Hm.." (Y/N) grabbed her back slowly, looking inside of it. "Oh, well thank you, lovely commoner~." She said, her whole mood clearly changing. She put her dagger in her bag, soon putting the bag down beside her. "Thank you for saving me, but I-" she went wide-eyed. "W-WHERE AM I?!" She looked around frantically. Everything looked totally different from where she was before. She held her head in panic, pacing back and fourth. "Oooooh this is bad! Very very bad!!" She said to herself. She looked at Wirt and Greg, seeing that they where wearing different clothing that looked a little more modern- Wirt wearing a pale yellow sweater and khaki pants and brown shoes, and Greg wearing grey shorts and a red t-shirt with robots on it. "Y-you two! W-where am I?" (Y/N) asked with a lot of worry.

Wirt looked concerned, "First, what's your name? Secondly, if you can remember, what where you doing last before all of this happened, and Aberdale(yeah I'm making up the town that they live in XD), you do live here... right?" He asked, gently grabbing (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"Maybe she came from that other place!~" Greg chirped, sitting down.

"Greg, not now, please?"

"Well, my name is (Y/N), second child of The King and Queen~" (Y/N) said proudly, placing her hands on her hips and smirking afterwards. "And I was fleeing my kingdom because if I didn't, something would happen to them.." Her voice faded. "A-And of course I'm not from here, I'm from the Unknown of course!" (Y/N) stated, looking around. "...Defiantly not from here..".

Wirt's eyes widened as he gripped her shoulders a little harder. "You came from there..?" He leaned in, but not to close- feeling interested but more so confused. He shook his head, letting go of (Y/N)'s shoulders. "You may stay with us temporarily because it's not the same here as it is there. We'll talk later." He said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand. "Let's go Greg, we're going back home." Wirt stated, looking at Greg. He and (Y/N) started walking off.

"Gotcha~" Greg chirped, standing up and following (Y/N). He looked up and smiled at her- with her smiling back awkwardly.

~*Time skip back at Wirt and Greg's house*~

(Y/N) sat down on Wirt's bed, looking at him pace back and fourth. "Well, what do you wanna know?" She asked, leaning back- looking unamused.

"How did you get here from there..? A-and what happened before you left your home? A-also, if you don't mind of course, tell me about yourself.." Wirt turned and looked at (Y/N). He had a teeny tiny pink tint on his face.

"Well..." (Y/N) started, extending the 'L's. "I'm a Princess. Well, I don't exactly 'act' like one. I'm kind of a nuisance around where I live because I cause more trouble than my brothers- even though they don't cause any at all~" (Y/N) laughed proudly. "I'll start from the beginning of the situation..." She continued, explaining everything that happened that happened between her and the Beast.

Wirt's eyed narrowed. "So he caused all of this trouble for you?" He sighed, holding the bridge of his nose. "A few weeks ago, Greg and I ended up in the Unknown. We ran into a lot of trouble with the Beast, also Adelaide. Eventually we fell back in the river and returned here, and we haven't been around that area since." Wirt shrugged. "I know you don't have a place to stay, so you can stay here..~" He smiled.

There was something weird about Wirt that (Y/N) found fascinating. There was this weird but warm feeling in her chest every time he spoke. His voice sounded so soothing to her. She didn't know what this feeling was....

(Y/N) made a goofy smile, "Thank you Wirty~"

"E-Eh- P-please don't call me that-" Wirt stuttered, turning more red than pink.

"Why what's wrong with it~?" (Y/N) smirked, walking up to Wirt and draping an arm around him. "If we're gonna be together for a while, I mind as well call ya somethin' right~?" She said, looking at Wirt with a Smirk, narrowing her eyes. Wirt blushed even more and turned away, puffing out his cheeks in an embarrassed manner.

"B-besides that," He removed her arm awkwardly. "What about school? Like...are you just gonna stay here all day while Greg and I are gone or are you coming with us...?"

"..What is 'school'?" (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on her hips in a suspicious manner.

"'ve never been to school before?"

"Pfft, of course not~" (Y/N) laughed. "My brothers and I never went to school like the commoners~ We where taught everything by the Guards~" She smiled Innocently. Wirt sighed.

"I guess you won't be going then.." He chuckled. "Well let's just set up your bed and everything. You'll be sleeping in my room I suppose.." Wirt muttered, pulling out the extra mattress from underneath his bed. (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"H-how did you fit another bed underneath YOUR bed?!" She asked, pointing to Wirt's bed. "And how come it's so..short?"

Wirt just laughed. "You know that bouncy thing you sleep on?"

"Erm...I suppose I do?"

"Well that's what THAT is." He pointed to the mattresses, heading to his closet to get the sheets and comforter. "And it's not the whole entire bed, it's just that~" He smiled while reaching up, getting the sheets and everything else.

"Oooo how..fascinating~" (Y/N) cooed, reaching down and poking the mattress. Wirt smiled as he set up her bed. For the few minutes he was doing so, they just talked about (Y/N)'s home and how her family was like.

"O-oh yeah, you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep here~" Wirt smiled, fixing up the sheets more. (Y/N) blushed for some reason, but just nodded, smiling back.

(Y/N) could tell that she was going to be alright after all.

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