Chapter 15 // Control

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We were surrounded by a deafening silence, drowning in a sea of our own thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what he saw when he walked into that house. I didn't even want to comprehend the sinking feelings he developed when it all sank in.

James and Ricky were next to me, fast asleep in the back. A strong gust of wind blew against the truck, making it rock and squeak. It was an eerie sound. James raised his head slowly and pushed Ricky, whose head was perched on his shoulder. Ricky jolted up and looked around, groaning and yawning.

"Where are we?" James looked around, obviously confused.

Mattaeus looked back at him; his face was white and worried. "Reid's old house."

"Oh shit...I feel horrible." James' face drained.

"Yeah, we all do. He's inside right now."

Ricky opened the door to his right and jumped out of the truck. "Can we just fucking get somewhere already? I'm hungry and I feel like shit."

James turned to him angrily. "Dude, this is Reid's old house. Can you at least have a little bit of compassion?"

"I don't really give a fuck. He shouldn't either. I mean, what does he expect to find? His whole family? Some precious family heirloom? A 30 million dollar inheritance?"

"Rick..." Mattaeus spoke, calmly but firmly.

"No. There's nothing left. He needs to grow the fuck up and stop living in the past. There-"

"RICK." His voice was louder. I'd never heard him yell. The truck fell silent, before his booming voice once again took control. "You are the most negative, narcissistic, arrogant son of a bitch I have ever met. Have you ever cared about anyone but yourself?"

"Okay, shut the fu-"

Mattaeus cut him off again. "Answer my question. Have you ever cared about anyone else? Or have you been this self-centered your entire life?"

"Yeah, faggot. I have. Obviously, because we risked getting taken to drive 10 miles to save your ass. But of course, you had to go save your girlfriend first."

"Don't even go there."

"Because you couldn't go a minute without some chick by your side. We could've been long gone by now, maybe safe somewhere. But no, you 'couldn't leave without her'."

"And that makes me self-centered? I was trying to save her fucking life. How am I the selfish one here?"

I didn't like the idea of me being brought into this. "Guys, stop. Please."

Ricky whipped his head around towards me. "Shut up."

Mattaeus launched the door open with all the force he had in him. His face was turning deep red and the rest of his skin was still pale and dead.

He paced up to where Ricky was standing on the edge of the driveway. He put his face right up in front of him and grabbed the hair on the back of his head. "Don't tell her to shut up."

"Or what, Frenchie?" Ricky raised an eyebrow at him, challengingly.

"Guys, please stop." I whispered towards them, barely audibly.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" His veins were extruding from his forehead and neck, and I gasped in fear. James slid towards me and I buried my head in his chest.

With that, Mattaeus pulled his arm back as quickly as he released it. A balled up fist flew into Ricky's jaw so fast I could barely see it. Ricky clutched his nose, leaving his hand covered in blood. A second clenched fist propelled itself into Ricky's stomach and sent him flying towards the ground.

"What the fuck, man?" His voice was raspy and exhausted.

"I warned you." Mattaeus had never sounded more serious.

"You're psycho."

Mattaeus stomped his big black shoe on Ricky's fully exposed chest.

A gasp came from him and he rolled to his side, curling into a ball. He then laid silently.

Mattaeus looked us all in the eyes, quickly but deeply, and then back down at Ricky. He was laying still and quiet.

He slowly ran his fingers through his hair and backed up against the passenger door. "I'm sorry," he whispered to himself,

"I'm so, so sorry."

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