Chapter 25

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Ive decided to cast Kendall Jenner as Katie.

"Grab my hand!" I heard a familiar voice yell.
"Grab my hand!"...
I search frantically among the mess to make out a shape to match the voice. The smoke was filling my lungs making it hard to breathe. I began getting lightheaded when I saw a large hand reaching for me. I grabbed it and it quickly pulled me out of the van and dragging me down the road. I tried to support my own weight but my body was limp. All i could do was hold on for dear life.
The unfortunately familiar crack of a gun sent my body into a new state of shock knowing it was directed at me. The person who was carrying me retaliated with two shots followed by a piercing scream. I told myself not to look back but do i listen? No. I turn my head to see a dead police officer lying on the ground. I look up at the face of the person carrying me, trying to recognize them. It wasnt until i heard the voice a second time.
"We're gonna make it... Just hold me tight and dont let go... We can do this" Jack. But how? As far as I knew he was back in California.
"Jack... Nate..." I mumble. No other words could escape me. He placed me in a car and the smell of him sent warm, comforting memories flooding my mind of safety. Going back to my biggest worry of how I'd get home from Jacks house. I needed to go back. I had to see my family again and live normally. I needed to get out. I felt the walls closing in and a feeling of suffocating overcame me. I gasped for breathe, nervously ticking until i was out again.
The silent hum of the road woke me up. I was very upset at myself for my display earlier. I was sivk of passing out and sick of living in fear.
"I want to go home" I said to Jack.
"No way missy, youre a wanted criminal. Your home city is the first place they turned over and im not letting you go back. We're headed to Omaha. You'll stay with my parents and they'll home school you. Not that an education will do you any good at this point. But you'll have a place to stay with food in the fridge."
I was at a loss for words. A lump filled my throat knowing i wouldn't be going back home. Not to mention i have no clue where Nate was. And Briley and Sammy. I never wanted to see them again.
"Where's Nate?" I asked.
"Johnson took him. He'll be staying in Grand Rapids... Michigan..."
"Why?" I asked again.
"Nate has family there. Trust me this is all for the best, we don't want you guys driving the country causing an uprising. Its just not worth it."
"No we have to finish this. We had a plan. The country was on our side. We were okay"
"You were almost arrested Katie.... Relax, youll be fine. My parents will take good care of you." He tried to comfort me but his words cut me like a knife. He placed his hand on my thigh and i felt as if it were a pair of scissors planted into me and twisted. A single tear fell down my face.
"Wait.... how long were you two planning this?"
"A long time Katie. Since you fled LA actually. It was bard to track you down but live news told us youd just visited a protest and we got the location. Thankfully we were already close by searching for you."
I felt like I was betrayed a second time. How could so many people turn against me so quickly? How little faith did people have in me? It felt as if the only person on my side was Nate. And now he's gone.
"Are you okay?" Jack asked. I simply ignored him. I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. "Talk to me" he insisted, but I declined. I shut my eyes hoping this would all be over as quickly as it started.

Temptation: Nate Maloley FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant