Chapter 6

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It was almost time to leave for the church. Your family scattered as they tried to get everything and everyone together.

You sat in the kitchen, staring endlessly at your phone, waiting for time to pass. A part of you wanted nothing more than to see Sam. He was at his motel, and soon he would be there with you.

Your stomach flipped and twisted into knots as you grew more anxious as each minute ticked by. As much as you wish you could push all your feelings aside, you just couldn't.

The door bell rang, causing you to snap your gaze up. Your heart began to pound faster.

"I'll get it." You stammered, propping up on your feet. The black heels you wore made you slightly taller.

With every step you took, you swore you heard your heart pound in your ears. You haven't felt this way in so long. Not since high school, when Michael asked you to prom.

Reaching for the door, you took in a deep breath before turning the knob and pulling the door open.

You met a pair of beautiful hazel eyes and just like that, you forgot how to breathe.

Sam looked incredibly handsome in a tux. The way the suit fit his body caused you to fluster in your stance. His lips curved as he looked you up and down. You were beyond breathtaking, hypnotizing to say the least.

"Wow y-you look-" he was having a hard time with his words as he lost himself in your gaze. "Wow."

You let out a soft chuckle, feeling the blood rush up to your cheeks. Man, the power this guy had over you was beyond astounding. His smile was contagious, and you couldn't help but fall a little more.

Taking in your lower lip between your teeth, you raised your brows at him. "You don't look bad yourself."

Sam looked down at his tux and nodded, before meeting your gaze once again. "I'm glad you do. I just got this suit literally an hour ago." He cackled.

Damn that smile. You could seriously get lost in those dimples of his.

"Well, I must say you know how to clean yourself up." You muttered.

Before Sam could say a word, your mother made her way to your side, catching your attention. "Did you happen to grab the veil? Your sister can't find it." She asked.

"Yea, it's on the table along with her shoes." You smiled.

Your mother gently pinched your cheek and flashed you a smile. She turned to Sam, her eyes growing wide as she met his gaze. "Well look at you! My goodness you are one handsome fellow. Man, if only I wasn't married already." She gawked.

You snapped your gaze to your mom, mouth opened as you widened your eyes. "Oh my god, mom. Stop!" You cackled.

Sam chuckled to himself, feeling flattered of her comment. "If only." He continued.

Your mother shook her head, smiling from ear to ear before leaving you alone.

As she walked away, you turned to Sam, whacking his arm.

He belted out in laughter, his eye brows slightly raised. "What was that for?"

"She is married!" You scowled, trying hard to keep from smiling.

Sam took a step closer to you, making your breath hitch to the back of your throat. "Don't worry, I only have eyes for you."

Chills covered you, your hairs standing from just his words. What was he doing to you?

You laughed off the blush and pretended as if his words didn't create butterflies in your stomach. "You're such a sap." You exhaled.

He shrugged his shoulders, keeping his eyes on you. "I'm just being honest."

You looked for bluff as you scanned his face. Hoping that you'd find a small little twitch to prove he was lying. But there was nothing. He was still as a rock. Staring endlessly at you.

You felt the heat radiate off your body, your heart beating rapidly, finding it hard to focus on one single thought.

"Alright, it's time to leave! We have a wedding to get to." Your mother spewed, snapping you out of your trance.

You blinked for a moment, grasping on to reality. "Right, the wedding." You exhaled. "Let's go."


As the music started, it was your cue that the ceremony was about to begin. You waited for your turn to walk, feeling your heart beat speed. The last thing you wanted, was to trip and fall in front of everyone, especially Sam.

You linked your arm with Gabriel's, your partner in the wedding. He was Michaels brother, and best man.

"Don't worry sugar, you'll do great." He smiled, making you feel at ease.

As Meredith and Balthazar made their way to the end, you and Gabriel began your way.

You felt the nerves begin to take over, but you tried to shake them off. You started humming the song, going over the lyrics in your head, as you took each step.

Sam kept his gaze on you. Watching your every move. He noticed the tint of red that lingered your cheeks, and the way you slightly moved your lips to the music. You were the only thing he could focus on. Not wanting to take his eyes off you. In that very moment, by seeing you walk down the aisle, all he could think of was hoping one day you'd walk down with him waiting at the end.

You finally made your way, and for a split second, you met Michaels gaze. It was weird though, you could've sworn that seeing him would sting, but you felt nothing. Not even a slight ache in your chest.

You took a step to the side, and turned toward the crowd. With everyone's focus toward the doors, you met the gaze of the familiar hazel eyes, the ones you find yourself getting lost in from time to time.

He flashed a soft smile, slightly exposing his dimples. Every part of you fluttered, or so it seemed.

"Hi." He mouthed.

Your cheeks were burning hot as you two lost yourselves in each other. And though your sister made her grand entrance, you somehow couldn't tear your gaze off of Sam. He chuckled to himself, smiling down for a moment then looking back up to you. And the moment he did, you almost forgot how to breathe.

This was something you never felt before. Not even with Michael. It was like a breath of fresh air, after suffocating for so long. Sam made you feel like anything was possible.

Before you knew it, Jo and Michael had exchanged there vows. Promising the world to one another. You watched as tears fell from his eyes, sliding the ring on her finger, not once taking his eyes off her.

Even though, this was suppose to be your happy ending. You even thought for sure he was the one, but you knew that they were soul mates.

Which made you question yourself.

Was Sam your soul mate?

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