Chapter 5

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It's the day of the wedding, and you dreaded every minute of it. There were loud chatters through out the house, your family scurrying to get ready.

You sat on the edge of your bed. With images of last night flooding your mind. It was hard to remember it all, but one thing was for sure, you were starting to fall for Sam Winchester. A man who was but a stranger only a few days ago. How was this possible?

With a soft knock at the door, you were drawn back to reality.

"Are you almost done getting ready? Your sister needs your help with her makeup." You mother spewed.

You let out a long breath, reminding yourself that this time tomorrow, you won't have to deal with your sister and Michael.

"I'll be out in a minute." You lied.

You were somehow talked into being Jo's maid of honor. Funny how things turn out.

Your hair was curled, with two braids coming together as they were pulled back. The vibrant red fabric of the dress, caressed your body, following every part of your curves.

Your lips were a shade of dark burgundy that matched your nails.

Taking a deep breath, you took one last glance at the mirror before escaping the peace and entering the madness.

"Here we go." You exhaled.

As you opened the door, you were met by your sister, who looked stressed more than ever.

"It's about time." She grunted. "I need you to do my makeup."

She pulled you by the hand and escorted you to the bathroom where all the other girls were. Your head was spinning and you were filled with different emotions.

"Can I have a minute with my sister?" Jo stammered. The girls all nodded simultaneously, and left the room. Leaving you alone with Jo. You couldn't help but grow anxious of the situation.

Jo pulled out a box and handed it to you. Her lips slowly curving as her eyes began to welled with tears. Taking in a deep breath, you pulled the top off and removed the tissue paper. Finally you reached the hidden object, only to find a picture frame, that held a photo of you and Jo when you were kids.

"Oh my god." You exhaled. Tracing your finger over the design of the frame. Tears began to stream as memories filled your mind. "I remember this. Didn't we-"

"Yea, this was the night we snuck out and ran to the park to watch the sunrise." She finished.

You both chuckled, reminiscing the past. "Man we got in so much trouble." You cackled.

"But it was worth it." She stammered.

Meeting her gaze, you could tell she was broken. Her eyes were blood shot and she couldn't control her tears.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you the way I did. I-"

"Jo stop. It's fine." You stammered.

She took in a deep breath, and shook her head. "No it's not fine. I'm your older sister and I hurt you. I will never be able to forgive myself."

Jo began to whimper in her hands, something you have never seen her do. She was always the tough one. Never allowed herself to show this side of her. It was probably the most heartbreaking thing you've ever seen. And though you wanted her to feel the way you did, you couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Slipping your hand into hers, you gently squeezed, making her snap her gaze up to yours. You flashed a soft smile, shedding tears. "I love you. And I mean, it sucks how everything happened, but I can see how much you two mean to each other. You can't help who you fall in love with, and well you two happened to fall. It was fate."

She continued to cry even harder as your words stitched into her. Since the day you walked in on her and Michael, all she ever wanted was your forgiveness. And this whole time, she thought she'd never get it, until now.

"Hey, come on. It's your wedding! You're getting married to the man of your dreams!" You exclaimed, wiping her tears away. "You should be happy." You whispered.

Jo took in a deep breath, her lips curving as she began to chuckle. "Thank god I didn't wait to give you your gift until after you did my makeup!"

You belted out in laughter. "Yeah that would've been bad. End up looking like Bucky Barnes in winter soldier!" You exclaimed.

Jo tried to contain herself but failed as you both continued to laugh. It's been so long since you and Jo had a moment like this, and you missed it so much. You missed her.

"Alright, let's get you ready for the wedding. Michael isn't going to wait all day." You stammered.

Jo took a seat in the chair in front of you. "That boy will wait for as long as I tell him."

You couldn't help but chuckle at her statement. She was right though, she had Michael wrapped around her little finger. It was kind of sad.

"So what's going on between you and Sam?" She asked, catching your attention.

You furrowed your brows at her as if you weren't sure what she meant. "What do you mean? There's nothing going on." You muttered.

Jo let out a chuckle, and shook her head, looking at you in the mirror. "Come on Y/N, it's so obvious you two like each other! I mean, have you not noticed the way he looks at you? And don't get me started on the way you act around him."

Your mouth dropped as her words settled in your thoughts. What did she mean by the way he looks at you? Or the way you act? You pondered your thoughts for a moment, trying to understand her statement, but it was no use.

"Y/N." Jo exhaled, turning to face you. "Last night when you and Meredith were talking about God knows what, I got to talk to Sam. And honestly, he is pretty damn amazing. He couldn't stop talking about you."

You felt your stomach flutter and your cheeks flushed. With the images of Sam flooding your mind, you noticed your smile growing by the second.

But what if she wasn't right? What if she over analyzed everything and he doesn't see you in that way?

You shook your head, biting your lower lip. "We are just friends Jo. Nothing more."

She stared at you for a moment, scanning your face as if she were searching for something. As she turned back to the mirror, she shrugged her shoulders. "It doesn't hurt to try, right?"

Her words had you on edge, contemplating every minute you spent with Sam. Going over all the little details.

The question isn't about how you feel for the guy, it was whether or not he was worth the risk.

Is he worth the chance of getting hurt?

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