It all just happened so fast, but in a way I don't regret any of it.

I couldn't help but look around, his nightstand and dresser was covered in pictures of me and him, also him and the guys. I couldn't help but notice a few pictures of just me.

"He really loves you, you know that right?" I heard a voice behind me, causing me to instantly turn around to see Zach leaning against the door way.

"I know." I blush, looking back at the picture of us that was laying on his dresser, "I love him a lot."

"He was a mess." He chuckled, "after you know... Everything. Honestly, we were all worried sick. His mom even came back to try and talk to him and nothing worked. He was just so angry at himself."

"But she came onto him." I replied, "he didn't come ont-"

"I know that." He interrupted, "but he felt awful. He couldn't stop thinking about the thought of just losing you completely and having you be with some other guy. Just let me tell you this, Em. He is a complete sap. He's totally whippe-"

"Shut up Zach." Austin chuckled, coming up behind him, and I could see his cheeks turning a bit red, "I'm not whipped."

"Yes you so are." Zach laughed then shouted down the stairs, "guys! Is Austin whipped?"

"Hell yeah!" AC shouted back instantly, Rob replying with a 'yeah' at the same time.

"Your just jealous." Austin grumbled, grabbing on my waist and pressing a kiss I my cheek.

"I'm just gonna tell you right now." Zach said and put his hands up in surrender, "don't get me wrong. I love you guys but I don't want a mini Austin or a mini Emily running around yet. I don't think any of us are."

I felt my face instantly go bright red, from embarrassment and the thought of starting a family with Austin made my heart skip a beat, even though I knew we were both to young to start a family.

I mean he's 19 and I'm 18 now. I mean we are legal adults but still. We can barley take care of ourselves on our own. Let alone another mini one of us.

But that gets me to thinking of how long we've really been together... It's been over a year. Which is completely insane.

"My mom would kill me." Austin laughed then started laughing harder, "I could only imagine what your dad would say!"

"He interrogates you all the time." I teased, sticking my tongue out at him.

Austin turned to Zach, explaining everything my dad told Austin he could and couldn't do meanwhile on this trip.

Which reminds me... I better call him.


"Ready to go?" Austin asked, and I nod, fixing my hair quickly before slipping on my heels and we started heading the steps.

"Damń Em!" Robert teased, "looking good!"

"Ow ow!" Alex howls, "look hot hot."

"And she's also mine so back off." Austin groaned, his protectiveness and jealously coming into play.

"Austin they were just teasing babe." I giggled, pressing a kiss onto his jaw, "but thanks guys." I giggled.

"Anytime." Robert winked, and instantly Austin's hand grew tighter around mine causing all three Bo's to burst into a fit of laughter when thy saw the intense anger appear on Austin's face.

"It's okay." I laughed, rubbing my thumb soothingly in his, "they're just trying to get you mad. Let's go." I giggled, trying not to get him angry.

"I just don't want to lose you to anybody." He pouted, opening the car door for me as we entered the garage, he made his way over to his side of the car and then soon we were pulling out of the drive way.

"Austin your absolutely insane if you think that's going to happen." I admit shyly, "do you not realize how much I love you? Your literally everything I could ever ask for. I don't want anybody else..."

"Really?" He asked, a goofy boyish smile appearing on those amazing lips.

A bite my lip and nodded and he couldn't help but smirk, letting go of the steering wheel with one hand and placing it on my knee and giving it a quick squeeze causing my heart to skip a beat.

I looked over at him, my cheeks heating up causing my favorite sound to be released from him... His laugh.

Austin drove for about ten more minutes, the Florida traffic being slow, before we arrived to the... Beach?

"I thought we were getting dinner?" I asked confused, "it's not like I don't like the beach it's I don't have a swimsuit an-"

"Baby?" He chuckled.


"Just shh for like ten seconds." He teased, lifting my hand up to his lips and pressing a quick kiss to my hand, "love you too."

I pouted silently, shaking my head as we kept walking. We soon reached a pavilion looking thing. There were beautiful lights around the outside and my favorite flower, a lily, was laid in the center of the table.

As soon as I could see the sight, I gasped and Austin let go of my hand and nodded towards it, signaling me to go and check it out.

I walked as fast and as best I could, walking in the sand and in heels wasn't exactly easy, and inside was a paper on one of the plates simply saying 'Welcome home dinner/ Happy 1 year?'

My eyes grew wide and I looked at him with probably the goofiest smile on my face," this is for us Austin?"

"Of course!" He laughed and pulled me into a tight and embrace but pulled back just as quick, "I'm very romantic babe. You should know this by now."

"I know I know!" I gush, "I just didn't know... You were this romantic. Austin this is amazing!"

"Thank you." He chuckled, popping open a bottle of sparkling water and pouring it into wine glasses, "since I couldn't see you on our one year... I decided to have the celebration a week late. Sorry babe."

"It's fine!" I laugh, quickly looking around at everything, "I love it Austin. Thank you."

He raised his glass instantly? "A toast mì amor?" I giggled and put my glass up against his and he finished, "this past year with you has been crazy as hell. But damn have I loved every single second I've spent with you."

[Next chapter will include the dinner 😏😏 Also! I've been thinking about having a new book cover for this story! So if your good at it... Message me and I will pick a winner on Monday :) ]

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