~Chapter Ten~

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Addie's POV:

I flop onto my bed, exhausted. Staying up late singing, traveling, meet and greets, parties, and worrying has taken its toll on me. I'm drifting off to sleep when my phone rings. I groan fumbling around for it.

Addie: Hello?

Liam: What's wrong with you?

Addie: Nice to talk to you too.

Liam: Geez, I was just wondering.

Addie: Sorry, go ahead.

Liam: I was wondering if you wanted to come up to my hotel room. Everyone else is here.

Addie: Kayla?

Liam: Yup.

Addie: Oh joy.

Liam: She's not that bad.

Addie: That's the problem.

Liam: What?

Addie: Never mind. I'll be there in 10.

Liam: Great! See ya then!

Addie: See ya.

I hang up. I don't really know why I agreed to go, but I did. I pull myself up and change into some jeans. Grabbing my phone, I head out the door.

I get up to Liam's room and knock. Niall answers it.

"Hey," I say awkwardly.

"Hey," he says, equally awkwardly. Thankfully Liam walks over.

"Glad you could come! We're all in the living room," Liam says, walking me in there. It's amazing how huge his hotel room is, considering he's the only one staying in here. A blonde walks over to us, pecking Liam on the lips. "Faith, this is Addie. Addie, this is my girlfriend Faith."

"It's so nice to finally meet you! You're an awesome singer," she says, smiling. This girl is adorable.

"I've heard a lot about you! Liam loves to compliment you," I say, and she blushes. We talk for about 10 minutes, and then Landon walks over.

"Hey Addie. We've never really officially met. I'm Landon," he says, grinning. He is hot.

"You're an amazing guitar player," I say, grinning right back.

"Did you write all your songs? They are insane!"

"I did. I write songs all the time. They're like my diary."

"I wish I could write songs like that," he says.

"I'm sure you write amazing songs," I reply. I look over at Niall, and I catch him watching us. He hurriedly looks away, but not soon enough. "But, if you want, we could write together sometime."

"Like a date?" He asks, smiling slyly. I bite my lip, because I really don't want a relationship with this guy. But I guess one date wouldn't hurt.

"Sure. Friday night? My room?"

"I'll see you there," he walks over to Harry, starting up a conversation. I'm texting my sister when Carissa yanks me by the arm into the hallway.

"What are you doing?" She hisses, clearly mad.

"What do you mean? I was texting Kellie." She rolls her eyes.

"I mean, are you seriously going on a date with Landon?"


"Wasn't the entire reason you came here to get back together with Niall?"

"That's WHY I'm going out with Landon."

"So you're making Niall jealous."

"I guess..."

"Like he's doing to you, which you said was immature."


"I don't believe this."

"What?" I ask.

"You two will never get back together if you don't tell Niall how you feel."

"I can't! He doesn't love me, so I have to convince him that I'm right for him."

"Explain to me how on earth dating Landon will convince Niall you love him." I don't say anything. I feel like a moron. "That's what I thought." She walks back into the room, and I follow her. I make a beeline to Landon.

"Landon, I think I'm going to cancel our date." He looks bewildered.

"What? Why?"

"I kinda have feelings for another guy. I'm sorry. But we can still be friends, right?" He looks disappointed, not mad like I thought he would be.

"Sure. Friends." I give him a hug and walk over to the couch and sit next to Carissa.

"I canceled my date," I whisper.

"What about your master plan to make Niall jealous?"

"You were right. I was being a jerk and a hypocrite. I'm sorry."

"That's my girl," she says, giving me a side hug. "So what are you going to tell Niall?"

"That for now, I just wanna be friends." She stares at me like I'm crazy. "I think I should give him some space and get to know him more. You know, earn his trust."

"If you say so."

Hard to Forget (A Niall Horan Love Story) **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now