~Chapter Seven~

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Addie's POV:

My stomach keeps doing flip-flops. I go onstage for the first time in five minutes. I go over the lyrics repeatedly in my head, hoping I don't mess up onstage.

I look behind me and Niall is holding hands with Kayla. Sometimes I think he really does have feelings for her, but other times I have no idea how she believes his lies. I can't believe I still love him, but I know that he's still the sweet sensitive boy I fell in love with during Spanish class.

"You're on in 30 seconds," a stagehand tells me. I nod slightly, still mentally rehearsing. Kayla walks up to me.

"Good luck! I know you'll be great!" For some reason, this angers me more than Niall glued to her all the time does. I clench my fists and grit my teeth.

"I hope so." She smiles and walks back over to Niall. He smirks at me before kissing her. Now that's just low. I unclench my fists and look straight ahead, ignoring him. Two can play at that game. I stride onstage, and even though I'm not famous, or One Direction, the crowd goes crazy. I sing about 30 minutes worth of songs and it's time for my closing one. It's called "I Knew You Were Trouble" and it's my favorite, most powerful one. Guess who it's about? It's not difficult to guess, considering Niall was my only boyfriend. I sing the verse, and then start belting out the chorus. I look over at Niall backstage, and his jaw is hanging open. I wink and smile devilishly. He's doing what I want him to. "Good night!" I yell to the crowd.

Niall looks like he's trying not to be impressed. I stride confidently over to where he's talking to Harry. I stand in front of him, our faces a few inches apart. "Your turn," I whisper, pushing my microphone into his chest. He takes it from me, speechless. I smirk at him and turn my head to their lead guitarist, Landon. I wink and smile at him, and he grins back at me. I look back over my shoulder at Niall, and he looks REALLY mad and jealous. My plan is working perfectly.

Niall's POV:

She is killing me. I'm positive she's doing this to get me jealous like I did to her with Kayla, and lemme tell you, it's working. Normally when she performs, she's sweet and likable, but that was a side of Addie I've never seen before. Fierce, sassy, and commanding. It was one of the most attractive things I've ever seen.

But I won't go back to her. I'll just fight fire with fire. Well, fire with fire with fire, I guess. Or fire with- oh never mind, you get the point.

"What was that?" Harry asks, turning to me. I totally forgot he was standing there.

"She's trying to make me jealous."

"Judging from the look on your face, her plan is working." He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. "I'm not jealous. I'm dating Kayla, remember?"

"We all know you're dating her to make Addie jealous. All of us except Kayla, that is."

"Shut up, Harry. You don't know what you're talking about." A stagehand runs up to us, handing us our microphones.

"You're on in one minute," she says and then scurries away. Kayla waves at me and blows me a kiss before we go onstage, and out of the corner of my eye I see Addie cross her arms and roll her eyes. I smirk. This is almost too easy.

Hard to Forget (A Niall Horan Love Story) **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now