Chapter Four

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Luke's P.O.V.
Kerri and I sit down at the table, and she says to me "Okay, what about Danielle do you want to discuss?" I say "Well, her and I kissed earlier. I know, it's unprofessional, but I don't care. When I kissed her I felt something." Kerri smiles at me and I say "So I wanted to ask you if you would care if I tried to turn this into a more than just business relationship with her. You are my manager, and I didn't know what to do, or how you would feel about it so I decided to ask you about it first." She laughs a little bit and says "Luke, you don't have to ask me, you're technically my boss. You can do what you want to. But if you want my opinion, I will give it to you." I say "Please do" she says "Well from what I've learned about Danielle, I like her, and I think that the two of you would be perfect for each other. She understands your career, and touring, hell she's even on tour with you, go for it" I smile and say "You're the best. Just don't tell her that we had this conversation." she says "don't worry I won't" I say "So what's my schedule for tomorrow?" she says "You have an interview in the morning at 9, and you're free until sound check at 3 and a VIP acoustic show at 4. And of course the show starts at 7, but you don't get on stage until about 8:30." I say "Thanks Kerri, Well I'm going to get back over to my bus so we can finish our drive to Virginia. Once I get back on my bus, I take a shower, and go lay down on the couch, and watch some tv for a little while, after about an hour, I decide that I'm going to go to bed. I go into my room, and lay down. I can't sleep all I've been thinking about is that kiss between Danielle and I. I was surprised when she kissed back. But I'm glad she did, because that kiss was amazing. It sent shocks of electricity through out my body, something that I've never experienced before. It's something that I want to experience again, something that I only want to experience with her. I just hope that she wants to be more than friends, and more than just my tour manager. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, thinking about the kiss with Danielle.

Danielle's P.O.V
I've been laying in bed, for what feels like hours, and I haven't fallen asleep yet. So I decide to climb out of my bed, and go to the kitchen to make some tea, and maybe watch some tv if there's anything good on at this hour. When I open my door, I see that there is a light on, and Kerri is still sitting at the table, she has her laptop out, and is typing away over there. I walk out there, and she glances up at me and says "hey hun, what are you still doing awake? I thought you went to bed hours ago." I give a small smile and say "Yeah, I couldn't sleep, so I decided I would come out here and make some tea, do you want some?" She says "sure, thank you" She goes back to typing, while I make us both some tea. Once it's ready I bring her over a mug, and set it down next her, she closes her laptop, and takes off her glasses and says to me, "Have a seat" I can't help but think to myself, here it goes she's going to fire me, for kissing Luke. Oh well. But she surprises me, when she says "Well tell me about yourself. Since we're going to be sharing a bus, I probably should get to know you better" I smile and say well "I'm 22, I'm from Upstate New York, I have 2 older brothers, Purple is my favorite color, I love to cook, and I'm an animal lover, and I am an avid reader. Uhmm I'm close with my family, my best friend and I moved to Nashville together for college, and she recently moved out. I hate morning, I'm more of a night owl. If I don't have coffee first thing in the morning, I'm worthless. Also if I don't get a lot of sleep I'm not someone to deal with until I've had at least two cups of coffee. That's really about it, oh and I'm also a little bit of a neat freak." She laughs at the last part and I say "So now it's your turn to tell me about yourself." she smiles at me and says "well I'm not a morning person either, I have a husband and two kids at home, and I'm lucky that they understand what I do for work, because sometimes I don't get to see them for months on end, except through a computer screen which isn't the same." I nod my head in agreement. the she continues "I've been working for Luke since he got signed, and he just keeps getting more and more famous. I'm always busy. Either I'm answering emails, or organizing interviews, and getting Luke ready for awards, so I never get much sleep. I live off of coffee, and I don't get much me time, or time to relax,so if I'm ever on edge, that's why. Don't take it personally" I smile at her, before taking a sip of my tea. Then she says to me "any special man in your life?" I smile and say "nope, because no one, who understands what I do for a living, and that I will be gone for months on end, with different artists on tour, I hope to find the one though" She smiles and says "He may be closer than you think. Well thank you for the tea, but it's getting late, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight." I say "goodnight" and finish my tea, and go climb into bed trying to figure out what she means by he may be closer than I think.

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