Chapter One

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Today is the day that I start my new job, as a tour manager for the one and only Luke Bryan. I recently graduated from Belmont University with an associate degree in,events management. When I told my parents what I was going to study, they didn't believe me that it was a real thing, well it is. Now they have to believe me. When I told my mom that I was going to be going on tour with Luke Bryan she kind of had a mini heart attack, she loves him and his music. I guess I will try and get her to meet him at least once during this tour. I'm currently waiting outside of the airport in Nashville, for Luke and his team to pick me up. I just flew back from visiting my parents in New York. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I see a pick up truck pull up, and Luke gets out. He walks over to me and says "Are you Danielle?" I smile, sticking out my hand and say "Yes, you must be Luke" I'm comletely freaking out on the inside, this is Luke freaking Bryan. He shook my hand and said "here let me take your bags and put them in the truck for you." I say "thats not nessecary, I can do it myself." He then says to me grabbing two suitcases " They're most likely heavy, and my mamma always told me to help a lady with their bags." I smile, and let him put them in the back for me. Then he goes over and opens the passenger side door, he's such a gentlemen. I smile and say "Thank you" while climbing into the truck. He races around to the drivers side of the truck and climbs in. He reaches over and turns the radio on, as we start our drive to the mall, which is where the tour buses are parked. We make small talk on the way there, mainly about how excited I am to be on tour with him. which also hints towards the fact that I am a fan, I also mention to him that my mom is a major fan, and that she will be going to his show in Saratoga Spring, New York. He says to me "Well if she's anything like her daughter, then I would love to me her." I felt my cheeks heat up when he said that.  I guess he noticed, because I heard him chuckle. Thank god I can see the mall parking lot.

Luke's P.O.V.
I put my suitcases in the back of my truck, and start it. I make my journey to the mall parking lot, and put my things in the bus.I see my manager, Kerrie, she asks me, "Hey Luke, can you do me a favor?" I say "sure Kerrie, what do you need?" she replies, "Will you go to the airport, to pick up your new tour manager, Danielle, beacause I have to make sure we have everything we need packed." I say "okay, I will be back soon." I hop into my truck, and start driving to the airport. I have the radio turned on, and am singing along to pretty much every song. Once I get to the airport, I see a shorter blonde, standing outside with two suitcases, looking at her phone, I'm assuming that its Danielle. As  I walk up to her she lifts her gaze up from her phone and a small smile forms on her lips.Wow shes gorgeous. Once I get closer I say " Are you Danielle?" she smiles and says " yes, you must be Luke" sticking out her hand, for me to shake. Once our hands meet, her hand is soft, and our touch sends a shot of electricity through out my body.  As I shake her hand, I tell her that I am going to put her bags in the truck, she tries to object, saying that she will get them. But if my mamma ever tought me anything about being a gentlemen, one thing that they do is take care of a ladies heavy bag for them. Once I put those in the back, I open the door for Danielle to climb into the truck, she thanks me, and I go get into the driverside.

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