Chapter Two

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Danielle's P.O.V.
Luke puts my things on the bus for me, and he says "How about I intoduce you to everyone?" I smile and say "thanks, that would be nice thank you." He says "no problem, follow me" I do as he says, we go over to the bus right next to the one that I'm going to be staying on. He opens the door, and turns around, grabbing my hand saying, watch your step, once he helps me up, he lets go of my hand. I felt a shock of electricity then too. We go up the stairs, and there's a group of guys, I'm guessing that they're his band he says "Guys, this is Danielle, she's going to be our tour manager for this tour. She's going to be sharing a bus with Kerri." All of the guys look up at me, and smile, Luke points over to the table and says "That's Carter" I smile and say "Nice to meet you" The next person that he introduces me to is Black Mike. I open my mouth to say something,but I'm interupted by my phone ringing, I pull it out of my pocket and look at who's calling, it's Kerri. I look up at the guys and say "Sorry, I have to take this." they all nod, and I exit the bus. I hit the accept button, and I hear Kerri's voice come through the speaker, she says "Would you please come over to our bus? I would finally like to meet you in person." I laugh a little and say "Okay,I will be right over." I start walking over to our bus, I open the door, and go up the steps. Once I get over by the table, I see a dark haired women, who looks up at me and smiles. I say "You must be Kerri.", sticking out my hand. She stands up and shaking my hand, and saying " Yes I am, which means that you're Danielle." I nod my head yes, and she says, "why don't we sit down at the table, and talk about what tour is going to be like, since this is your first tour after you graduated from college correct?" I smile and say "yes" I sit down across from her.

Luke's P.O.V.
When Danielle and I get on the bus and I see Carters eyes go a little bit wide, it doesn't surprise me, because of how gorgeous she is. Then I start the introduction process. Once Danielle leaves the bus, to talk on the phone, I take a seat on the couch. The guys all look at me and say "is she single?" I laugh and say "I'm not sure,I just met her for the first time today also." I look at them all and say "but if any one is going to date her, it better be after tour, and no one night stands we don't want anything awkward going on during tour." They all nod and Carter says to me "did you not see the way that she was looking at you?" I chuckle and shake my head. For a while I sit there talking with the guys about what this tour is going to be like, and how excited I am for it. After like 20 minutes, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I unlock my phone, it's a text from Kerri saying that we're going to be leaving in a few minutes to start our drive to the first show. I tell the guys that I'm going to head over to my bus, because were going to be leaving. I exit the bus, and walk over to Danielle and Kerri's, bus, and say "Hey, Kerri do you mind if I steal Danielle for part of our drive, I have a few things I would like to talk to her about, for the tour." she smiles and says "No" Danielle stands up, and we exit the bus together. We get onto my bus, and she sit's down at the table, I look at her and say "Would you like anything to drink?" she says "sure, I will take a water please." I grab two from the refrigerator. I set them down on the table, and we talk for a little while about the set, and things like that. Once were done, we've only been talking for an hour, and I know we won't be stopping for a few more hours, for a break. So I say to Danielle "we won't be stopping for a break for a few more hours, I hope that you don't mind staying on the bus with me." she smiles and says "it's fine, I don't mind, this gives me more of a chance to get to know you better, and I don't mean like all of the country superstar stuff, I mean like your family and that kind of stuff." That put a smile on my face, because usually people only want to know what it's like to be famous, I have a normal life too, and she realizes that. I say to her, "how about we play 20 questions, because I would like to get to know you better myself." She smiles and says "What do you like to do for fun?" I reply "Well I love to hunt and fish, and just hangout with friends and family, on my free time." She smiles and nods. I say "Where are you from?" she says "Greenwich, New York, it's a small town, like an hour away from Albany." I nod my head. She says "What's your favorite color?" I say "Hunter Green" I then say to her "I know, you're never supposed to ask a women her age, but how old are you?" She smirks and says "22" Then she says, "What's your favorite song to sing live?" I smile and say "Drunk on you" I say "Do you have any siblings?" She says "yes, two brothers, one thats a year older than me and one thats 23 years older than me also, but I've never really gotten to know him." I nod my head. Now she says to me "Do you have any siblings?" I say "yes, a sister, Kelley, who passed away due to a heart attack, and a brother Chris, who passed away, due to a car accident," She looks up at me making eye contact, and her eyes show concern, I feel her hand grab onto mine, and she says "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I squeeze her hand and say "it's okay, you didn't know. There's nothing to be sorry for." She gives me a small smile, and I give her one back.

Danielles's P.O.V.
As soon as Luke said that both of his siblings had passed away, I started to feel regret build up inside of me, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. I reach for his hand and make eye contact to apologize, he then reassures me that it's fine, I didn't know, and there's nothing to be sorry for. Then he says to me "So back to the game why did you move to Nashville, that is if you live around here" I smile and say"I've always just wanted to live here, so I moved here when I started college." he nods and I say "did you ever go to college?" he says "yes, I have a degree in Business" He then says to me "Where did you go to college?" I say "Belmont, I just graduated a month ago." His eyes go a little wide and says "You got a job this quick?" I wink and say "well I did graduate at the top of my class, so you can say that I know at least at little something" he laughs and I say "where did you go to college?" he answers "Georgia Southern" I nod and say "you asked two last time, so I will ask you two now" he nods and I say "Cookies or Cake?" he laughs at my question I say "it was a good question, we didn't set any rules, so I decided why not ask a random question and he smiles and says "I'm more of a cookie guy" Then he says to me "Cookies or Cake?" I smirk and say "cookies" he says "good, you can't trust people who like cake" I shake my head and say "peanut butter cookies or chocolate chip?" he says "Peanut butter" I nod my head in agreement. Then he asks "So how different are the people in Nashville from New York?' I say " Well the people down here are way more polite, and there are a lot more people in Nashville than there are in the town I grew up in." He nods his head and I say "Dogs or cats?" He smirked and said "Dogs" I smile and he says "what about you, dogs or cats?" I say "Both, I have 4 dogs and 4 cats at my house, but right now, they're being boarded while I'm away with you on tour. I say "pizza or tacos?" He says "Pizza always wins" I laugh and he says "Pancakes or Waffles?" I say "Waffles" He says "good, if you said pancakes, we couldn't be friends." I laugh and so does he. He says "wanna quit playing the game and watch some tv?" I nod my head yes, and he gives me the remote, and says,"you can pick what we watch" I take the remote, and scroll through the channels and decide on watching Forrest Gump. I love that movie. Once Luke sees what I picked he says " I love this movie" I say "me too." and we go back to watching the movie. Once it's over, I pull my phone out of my pocket, and see that I have a few texts from my mom, and I check the time, it's 5:30. Have you ever had the feeling that someone is looking at you? well I'm getting it right now, I look up from my phone, to see Luke looking at me. I say to him "what?" He says "nothing, you're just so beautiful" did he really just say that? Oh my god, Luke Bryan just called me beautiful. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, and he leans over, and kisses my cheek while getting up and saying "red is a good color on you darlin" Now I'm probably the color of a tomato. I stand up and say to Luke "Are you hungry?" he nods and I say "Do you want me to cook something?" He says "You don't have too" I say " I know. But I want to". I go into the freezer, and grab some chicken, then I grab some pasta out of the cabinet, and some alfredo sauce. Next I get out a strainer, a pot for the noodles, a frying pan for the chicken, and a pot for the sauce. I start cooking the chicken and start the sauce and the water. after about 30 minutes, everything is done, and I put everything on a plate, and set one down in front of Luke and one in front of me. We say grace, and he takes a bite and looks at me and says "you made this?" I nod my head yes. Then he says "You're pretty and can cook?" Here comes the blushing again. Once were done I clear the table and go to the kitchen to do the dishes, when I here Luke say "what do you think you're doing?" I say "the dishes?"he says "No, you cooked, so I do the dishes." I let him do the dishes, and I go sit back down on the couch. Once he sit's down, we feel the bus coming to a stop, which means that we're taking a break, we've been driving for 6 hours, so we're almost there. I stand up, and turn to Luke and say "well now, I'm going to head back over to my bus. I hope you liked dinner" he smiles, and stands up, walking with me over to the door. As I'm about to go down the steps I feel a hand on my arm, I turn around to see Luke with a smirk playing on his lips, and his eyes are going between my eyes and my lips. The next thing I notice is that were slowly leaning in close to each other, and our lips touch. Sending shocks of electricty through out my whole entire body. There are butterflies in my stomach, as I feel Luke pull me closer to him. We interupted by the door opening, we pull apart, and I turn around to find Carter standing there with a huge smirk on his face.

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