A Little Recon

Beginne am Anfang

"I'm pretty sure you failed miserably. Gabe keeps shooting glares at you. " North cursed at me in Greek and I couldn't help but smirk again.


Class was boring. Instead I let my mind wander. I missed Gabe and Sang. It was a bit weird though seeing Gabe being so protective? possesive? He wasn't usually like that. I wonder if something happened? The bell for lunch finally rang and I was out of my chair like a shot. We had all agreed to meet by the bench again for lunch and I wolfed down a couple pre-packaged snack cakes from my backpack on the way there. No reason to have to endure another one of North's lectures on healthy eating. A couple of the guys were already there and I plopped down next to Kota on the grass.

"What's the plan?" I asked. I wanted to move us forward here, It felt like we were crawling along.

" North and Victor are following them to see where they sit at lunch. I think Mr. B wants to talk to us all once we all get here." I grinned.

" Kota, we're supposed to call him Owen."

" I know Luke, hard to break old habits though." Sean and Owen walked up followed by North and Victor. Mr. B looked around and seeing all of us here sat stiffly on the bench. I think he was very uncomfortable in the shorts and tshirt he was wearing.

" Alright guys, What do we know?" Sean piped up. Kota dug around in his bag and brought out several ziplocked sandwiches and tossed them around.

" Mom wanted to be sure we had something edible. She'd heard the food here is awful. " I snatched one and dug in, debating whether or not to bring up Gabe's behavior.

" Didn't his reaction to North seem odd?" Silas beat me to it.

" I agree Mr. Kor.." Sean smacked Mr. B's arm. Hell, any of us tried that and we'd be doing hours.Mr. B cleared his throat.

" ahem, Silas. It was a bit strange for him. Anyone else? Anyone have anything we can use? Kota? Luke? You had English with then this morning. Did you learn anything?" Kota and I looked at each other and shrugged.

" Not really Owen. We talked to them a bit but nothing we didn't already know." Mr. B sighed at my response.

" We need more gentlemen. I have a feeling it wont be easy to get their memories back. We have no idea how to do it after all. I am hoping we can encourage them away from this 'Father' first and then work on their memories but we need information to do that." I spotted the guy from this morning, Mike, and jumped up.

" How about we work the gossip mill? That should be good for something. Come on Nate, Let's go talk to that guy from this morning. " Nathan hoped up and we made our way over to the group Mike was with.

" Hey" I gave them all a wave and a goofy grin, time to work my charm! " I'm Luke and this is my brother Nate. "

" Hey, I'm Mike, that's Jer and Karen." He pointed to the other two with him on the grass. Nathan and I plopped down by them and Nathan nodded his head at where Gabe and Sang where eating at one of the benches.

" So, What's with them?" Mike looked to where Nathan had nodded and gave us a puzzled look.

" Gabriel and Sang? Not sure what you mean. Why?" Nathan and I both looked at where Gabe and Sang where, then at each other.

" Um, We're just curious. they're in a couple of our classes." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Karen laughed.

" Seriously? If either of you are thinking you can break them up and go for one of them yourself forget it. Many people in this school have tried. When they started here last year they were already a couple. A lot of people assumed that it was a fake relationship to hide the fact that Gabriel was gay. I swear for the first month they were here they were bombarded by people trying to break them up. Every time someone made a play for one of them, Sang would just cling tighter. She's pretty shy and wouldn't talk to anyone for a long time. " Holy cow! This gal was a font of information.

" So, what happened?" Nathan asked her. This time Jer answered.

" A couple of the brainless from the football team cornered Gabriel one day near the gym and started beating him around for being gay. They were threating him with a knife when Sang saw them. It was beautiful, she flew at those morons and jumped on one guy's back and started beating on it and yelling at him. He threw her off though and a couple of the others held her while the one guy went back to beating on Gabriel. He plunged the knife in Gabriel's leg and then all hell broke loose. Books, Backpacks, paper, pencils...everything went flying around and those guys were suddenly being bombarded with it all. Mike saw them about the time all hell broke loose and he and I ran in to check on them. We helped Sang get him to the hospital since he was in pretty bad shape. He was there a couple days and she never left his side." Shit! He'd needed us and we hadn't been there.

" I overheard a couple of the nurses talking when i went to visit and she wouldn't even leave his bed." Karen spoke up. " I guess it was supposed to be a no- no or something but they felt bad for him because his dad just kind of dismissed it after the intial call so they let her stay. " Our faces must have reflected the shock we felt because Mike chuckled.

" Yeah, that was pretty much everyone's reaction. Most of us got it after that though, There was no breaking them up. A couple people still tried but everyone has just accepted it at this point. Besides Gabriel is awesome and Sang is really sweet."

" So what was with the proposal this morning then?" Thanks Nathan, I wanted to know that too.

" Bit of a running joke with them, and Mike still has a crush on Sang" Mike slugged Jer in the arm.

" I do not!" He protested. Jer gave him a yeah, right look and Mike grinned sheepishly. " Okay maybe a little one but can you blame me? She's gorgeous! but let's face it after his stunt at the end of last year no one is going to hold a candle to him for her. " I could Nathan's fists clenching and figured we had better get out of there before he decked Mike.

"The singing thing?"

" yeah, but he didn't just sing to her. He wrote the song and everything. Stopped lunch dead when he started singing. Even the workers stopped to listen. He was incredible." Nathan looked about to combust so I decided we needed to leave, thankfully the bell rang. Nathan and I said goodbye and took off for class. I pulled out my phone and sent off a text to Mr.B.

Luke: Found out some stuff, Not sure how useful.

Mr. B: Good work Mr. Taylor. Any information is helpful.

I tucked away my phone and thought over what we had found out. A year?! They'd gone back a whole year. If that was just one incident what else had they been through?

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