His eyes closed, surrounding him in darkness. He didn't want to talk to Kyuubi at the moment. All he wanted to do was rest and store as much energy as possible. When he woke, it was already midday and Naruto was starving. He got out of the bed and went into his kitchen. He quickly cooked the ramen that he wanted before he added a few other things such as spices and some uncooked salted pork along with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Cravings when pregnant were weird and scary. Naruto, however, didn't seem to have a problem with what he was eating. Kyuubi was a little surprised that the kid practically had iron taste buds. 'Why you so silent, Kyuubi?' Naruto asked the stunned fox.

'Look at what you are eating,' cam Kyuubi's reply. 'You can stand that...how?'

'I don't know. It doesn't taste that bad to me.'

'...You are a strange kit.'

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders a little. Kyuubi's opinion didn't matter at the moment because all he could focus on was filling his stomach and then go out to buy some supplies, such as food. Once he finished his strange and very peculiar lunch, he grabbed his coat and went out to the marketplace. He noticed some of the glares that people were giving him, but ignored them all. He was used to those looks. Once he bought all needed supplies, he went back home and started to pack. He had finished quickly. He had lied on his bed, waiting for the right time to leave. Eventually, his sapphire orbs had closed and he drifted to sleep. Once they were open, it was already dark out. He looked at the clock, seeing that it was already midnight.

He grabbed something to eat before picking up his stuffed bag and leaped out the window. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he came to the gates. Not wanting to be caught, Naruto concentrated his chakra so he would walk up the wall, or run up it as fast as he could. Before he stood on top of the wall, he looked around to see if there was anyone around. There wasn't. He ran across the top before running back down the other side of the wall. He smirked and started to mumble something about Konoha needing better security. He ran at top speed into the woods. Leaping from branch to branch, sending out shadow clones every now and then to go in another direction in case his friends would try to come out and look for him and Kiba would try to track him by scent. He even sent shadows clones to keep going straight whenever he went another direction before he went back to the direction that he was originally going in. He wasn't as moronic as everyone believed.

Even when the sun rose, he kept going, only stopping long enough to eat something or to rest for about ten minutes before continuing on his way. Around noon, he finally stopped in a tree. Leaning against the trunk, he gave out a sigh. He was starting to get a little tired. Going through his bag, he pulled out something to eat and his scratched forehead protector. He tied it to his head while he was eating. A few minutes after he was done eating, his eyes closed before he drifted into his sleep. The last things he heard were a couple of familiar voices and some rustled clothing before he felt someone picking him up. He didn't have the energy to fight whoever it was off. One name met his ears before he drifted completely into sleep. 'Itachi?' he thought to himself.

The Next Day: Midday

Naruto's blue eyes slowly opened, looking around really confused. He was in a room, that much was obvious, but he was trying to remember how he got there. 'Oh yeah,' he thought to himself. 'I left Konoha and when I rested, I fell asleep. I heard Itachi's name. I thought it was my imagination, but I guess it wasn't. Kyuubi?'

'Yeah, kit?'

'Where are we? Like, do you even know?'

'All I know about our location is that it's the Akatsuki hideout. Sorry, but that's all I know.'

"Hm," Naruto hummed a little before he got off of the bed that he was on. He went over to the window and looked out. He couldn't tell how long he was unconscious. He figured Kyuubi knew, though.

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