#91 Vladimir Tarasenko

288 10 1

"Victorious"- Panic! At the Disco


"I get that for her," I say with a smirk, leaning over the girl's shoulder while giving a look to the bartender. He nods, and she turns to me with a perturbed expression. 

"What was that for? I have money, you know. That's how I got all these." She gestures to the counter in front of her, and I see several empty glasses of varying types.  

"I just want get know you." She wrinkles her nose while asking, 

"Why do you talk like that?" I flush red, suddenly self-conscious of my accent as I mumble, 

"I'm Russian and my English is not perfect yet." She is even more confused, and once I realize I spoke in my native language I throw a $10 on the counter. I walk away, humiliated by a girl who simply has no filter. 

"What happened, bud, you get rejected?" Alex asks, patting me on the back as I take a seat next to him at the bar. I don't answer, setting my head in my hands and ordering a few shots of vodka. I zone out, feeling the alcohol buzz as I down the substance. "Bud?"


"You get rejected?" I just let out a long breath, looking back over at the girl with regret. 

"Not yet," I say, hopping up and heading back over to her with a sudden renewed confidence. I can tell my teammate is confused as I lean on the counter next to the girl. "You not like my accent?"

"Well hello there, it's you again," she says, startled at my sudden appearance. "What did you say?"

"You like my accent or no?" She frowns, explaining with a drunken air,

"It's kinda hot, but it makes it hard to understand what you're saying..."

"That good?" The girl shrugs. 

"Sorta." I grin and lean in a bit closer, asking, 

"In that way...what is your name?" 

"Why would I tell you?" 

"Cause you beautiful, and--"

"Cut the shit," she rolls her eyes. "I've heard that one too many times before. Go bother some other slut." I'm shocked, looking around at the crowded bar. 

"Well, that didn't go as well as I thought it would," I mumble to myself, running a hand through my hair. I look back over to her to see her glaring at me. 

"Get away from me!" I frown sadly, returning to my post and grumbling some Russian swears. 

"Come on, you gotta keep trying!" Alex persists, lightly punching my shoulder. "Do you really wanna talk to her?" 

"Well, yes..." 

"Then you gotta keep at it, you know you do!" I just shake my head and groan in frustration. 

"You try it," I grumble, staring straight ahead and taking a few more shots. "See where you get."

"No, she's all yours, bud, keep trying!"

"No." This time Alex is the one frustrated, tugging at his hair as he insists, 

"Vlad, it's not an option! You know that to get something you gotta keep working at it--please, go say something sweet to her! Girls love that."

"I not know sweet things," I sigh, staring blankly at my phone which I'd extracted from my pocket. 

"Yes you do--oh for god sakes, stop looking at pictures of your ex from a year ago!" He takes my phone away, shoving it in his jeans pocket as I gape at him. "Go, compliment her, come on. I won't give you your phone back until you get the guts to have a conversation with her."

"Fine!" I exclaim, slamming down yet another shot glass. "I talk to her and get back my phone." Alex nods, and I pull myself from my chair and walk back over to where the girl is sitting.

"You? Seriously? You don't get it, do you?" As expected, she isn't thrilled, but I swallow my frustration. 

"Y-your dress is nice," I say softly, but loud enough so she can hear. "You, uh, you make it look very very nice." She looks stunned at my compliments, looking down at herself with a growing smile.

"Why thank you, kind sir!" She giggles. "Now, what was your name again?" I smile a little, taking the barstool beside her and saying, 

"Vladimir, but you call me Vlad if you want." 

"So, you're Russian," she giggles again. "That's hot." Alex was right. Compliments go miles. "I'm (y/n)." 

"That very beautiful name...it fit you."

"You're very fit," she flirts, "Nice arms, especially..." She trails a finger down my arm, and I bite my lip as she compliments me even further. I look around awkwardly, not really sure how to approach the situation. My eyes meet Alex's and he raises an eyebrow. 

"Does she like you?" He mouthes, and I wince, shrugging. I'm not even sure, you never know with women.

"Oh, I like you," she says, taking another sip of a beer in her hand. Apparently I said that out loud. My cheeks redden as she grins at me, winking and leaning in even closer. "I think you're attractive, and you're sweet. Why wouldn't I like you?" I look away, trying to collect myself when I feel a wet press to my cheek. 

"Ебена мать..." I curse in Russian, shocked as I turn back to (y/n) to see her smirking. 

"You like that?" She asks, and I nod slightly. "Good." She leans in again and quickly connects our lips, and my eyes widen when she pulls away after a brief moment. 

"You-you very good," I stammer. "T-thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Vlad," she whispers before putting down her drink and pulling me into another kiss. My hands automatically cup her cheeks as her arms wrap around my neck and pull me closer. Her fingers tug at the ends of my hair, causing me to moan as she becomes dominant over me. 

My phone isn't the only thing I'll get tonight...

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