When He Scares You

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"Kill it!" you whined as you shivered at the thought of that disgusting creature giving birth in your room or even staying in it.

"Come on, [Your Name]. It's not going to hurt you" Jack cooed as he walked over to the box and picked up the spider.

"Kill it now!" you hissed at him, before watching in horror as he shrugged his shoulders and stuck the spider in his mouth. Biting down a disgusting 'crunch' was heard that made you shiver. "You are getting no kisses for an entire week!" you exclaimed.

"Oh come on baby, I know you love me too much to go that far without kissing" Jack said, smirking as he licked his lips.

"Oh watch me you deranged, handsome clown" you said before turning on your heels and walking down the hallway, leaving a laughing Jack to follow after you.

Eyeless Jack:
For some reason you had an unnatural fear of loud noises in the dark. Something Jack found out when you had flinched after he dropped a bowel that broke in your apartment one night while you were watching a horror movie. It fascinated him how you could handle horror movies but not a simple noise in the dark. This of course, gave him an idea on how to scare you. It was midnight, you were snuggled under your covers, not hearing your bedroom door creak open.

Jack had stayed over for the night, taking the couch as a place to sleep to give you your privacy. Slowly he tipped toe over to your bed side and held the air horn he had bought earlier that day. Waiting for a while he pressed down on the top and listened as the horn released a loud shriek that jolted you awake with a scream ripping past your throat. At first he started to laugh until he heard you whimpering, freaking out seeing as he didn't want to upset you he quickly pulled you into a hug and tried to comfort you. "I'm sorry, I love you" he said, repeating the same words over and over as he calmed you down.

Ticci Toby:
Toby didn't know you had a fear of snakes and because of that he didn't know the little garden snake he had found would scare you so much. You were waiting for him at the park; you two were going to spend a day together. Sitting on one of the park benches you hummed lowly while waiting for your boyfriend. You soon heard that familiar ticking sound that you had grown so fond of. Turning to greet your boyfriend you froze and stared at the small green garden snake that coiled around his arm.

It hissed lowly as its black beady eyes stared at you, causing you to shiver as you stood up and took a step back. "[Your Name], look at this snake I found" Toby said, smiling at you before frowning as he saw fear in your [Eye Color] eyes as you were shivering. "What's wrong?" he asked, taking a step forward only to have you take a step back.

"Toby, I love you but please get rid of that snake before I lose it" you said, your voice strained and laced with fear. Looking from the snake to you he nodded his head and threw the little guy towards some bushes close by and walked over to you.

"Sorry, I didn't know you had a fear of snakes" Toby whispered as he twitched before enveloping you into a hug.

If there's one thing you didn't like it was when people sneak up behind you. You always like to know where people are in a room so you don't freak out if one of them walked up behind you. Masky of course didn't know this, so why you were busy heating up some leftover pizza from yesterday you didn't hear your masked boyfriend as he quietly walked into the kitchen and towards you. You swayed back and forth on your feet as you watched your food go round and round before releasing a high pitch scream as someone grabbed your sides. Turning quickly with wide eyes you locked eyes with Masky's wide blue ones as he stared at you.

"Masky!" you exclaimed, as he raised his hands in defense.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to surprise you" he said quickly as you placed your hands on your hips. "Promise, I love you baby" he said, as he grabbed your hands and pressed his masked forehead against your own. Looking at him you nodded and smiled back.

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