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I walked into the hospital on the 10th floor for labor and delivery. My heart raced as I had racing thoughts running my brain on overload. Aioki called me and said she found Abigail unconscious outside the house. Man I just hopped her and the baby we're alright. I didn't know what the hell happened but I had my driver at the house on watch. I walked up to the nurses station.

"I'm looking for Abigail Tesfaye." I said hurriedly.

The nurse looked at me seeing my urgency.

"That's her nurse right there." She pointed to a tall brunette.

I power walked to her. "Hi I'm Abel Tesfaye. I'm here for my wife Abigail. Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked her.

"I know exactly who you are." She said pulling me to the side away from her colleagues.

"Your wife is sleeping right now she went into shock so we had to put her out. We found a drug in her system called MTX (METHOTREXATE) it's usually used for cancer but we found no cancer cells. This drug is very harmful to the fetus and she's already began showing signs of a miscarriage which would occur 2 to 3 weeks after the injection. She's on a monitor to monitor the baby's heartbeat, but we have no way of knowing when the fetus will expel." She said looking at me. " Mr. Tesfaye do you know any reason why she would have MTX in her possession?" She asked.

"You mean to tell me that, that my baby ain't gone make it." I whispered.

"I'm sorry. There is nothing we can do to stop a miscarriage." She said.

" I mean she takes insulin for her diabetes but that's it." I told her honestly.

I had to choke back my emotions because they were ready to spill on the floor. "I'll show you to her room."

We walked into the room as the sounds of the machines buzzed throughout the dimly lit room. She patted my shoulder. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Does this drug do anything to stop us from having anymore children?" I asked.

She shook her head."No. She's still able to conceive." She smiled at me.

I nodded my head and walked over to sit next to her bed. I watched her sleep and wondered how I would tell her we had lost the baby. My mind didn't want to jump to conclusions but we've been down the road to abortion and I just hoped she wouldn't do that.

It felt like deja vu all over again. Just 10 months ago she was here unconscious and I watched her sleep. All because she had tried to commit suicide but failed thankfully. This time I didn't have to deal with her mother or her ex friend. It was good to know we could still have more children but this was going to devastate her. There was so much bullshit going on and it seemed like we couldn't dodge a damn bullet.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now