Out of the Woods

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--Ezra's POV--

Liam hasn't returned. It's late, freezing, and raining. I'm worried.

I can't take it anymore, so I stand up and make my way in the direction that he left hours ago.

"Liam?!" I shout as I wonder through the woods. I do this repeatedly until I reach a small drop-off and I peak down the ledge. It's darker.

Then I swear I saw something.

"Liam?" I question. Kind of hoping to get a response and to not get a response.

Better not be a bear. Are there bears in Florida?

Then I notice him. Liam. It's fucking Liam.

"Liam!" I shout as I search for a safe way down the ledge.

Liam doesn't answer me. Once I reach him I go to run my fingers through his hair. "Liam," I whisper. "Please wake up..."

I remove my hand quickly as I feel something warm and liquidy. I can't really see much, but I know it's blood. The liquid is dark on my right hand.

I then, instead of panicking, I scoop Liam up in my arms. His body is heavy, but that doesn't stop me from trying to get him and I out of the woods.

It feels like hours later by the time I reached the road. It's still dark out. It's pitch black.

I collapse with him in my arms right in the middle of the road. I drape my body over his as I attempt to catch my breathe. I'm weak, tired, hungry, thirsty, freezing, and covered in sweet and blood.

As my eyes start to slowly close I see what looks like headlights in the distance. It's that, or I'm dying...

--Liam's POV--

My head is pounding. The lights are blinding as I slowly lift my heavy eyelids open. I can't make out who's here, but there are several dark figures in the bright, sterile smelling room.

My head whips to my right. I try to focus on the dark figure siting down. Their head is in their hands.

"Liam..." mama says. That figure isn't mama.

I turn my head to my left to another dark figure standing next to me. They touch my left hand and squeeze it gently. Mama.

"Mama?" I ask in an almost in-audible voice

"Liam!" Dan shouts and shoots out of the chair to my right.

"Ezra..." I say to them as I look back-and-forth between them.

Mama moves more to her right to reveal a sleeping my figure laying down by the window on a bench. I squint my eyes and the figure turns into none other than Ezra.

"Ez," I whisper as a tear slips from my eye.

There's something different about him.

"He's fine buddy. He saved you two," Dan tells me.

"When did we-how-what?" I ask confused as hell.

Mama sighs and brushes the side of my face.

"Do you remember anything?" Mama asks.

I think hard. "I remember leaving him to find the road...then I saw a snake. I fell..." I tell them.

"You hit your head really hard honey," she tells me as tears fall from her eye.

"What is it mama?" I ask, knowing something is wrong.

She's a little too choked up to speak, so she asks Dan to. When I look to Dan I notice his left hand, his ring finger to be exact. There's a ring.

"You're married?" I ask feeling extremely confused.

Dan nods.

"How long was I out?" I ask frantically as I try to sit up, but Dan pushes me back down.

"Easy," he tells me calmly.

"Tell me Dan," I beg him.

"Like mama said, you hit your head pretty hard," he tells me. He sighs, "you were in a coma for three years Liam."

I look back to Ezra. That's what's different. He's a little more built and seems bigger.

He's older. I'm older.

"N-no," Ezra mumbles in his sleep. He rolls to his back. I get a good look at his face.

He's so...manly. I can see his now-extremely-sexier-biceps as he lifts his right arm and runs his hand through his hair. Then he turns his face to me and makes eye contact with me.

Ezra sits up slowly. I'm even more I love with him than the day I met him. Yes, in love.

He stands up even slower as his mouth moves to say something, but no words escape those amazing-soft lips of his. I need those lips.

Dan assists me and pushes a button to make the bed go up so I can sit-up effortlessly. Ezra finally makes his way to me. He fumbles a bit, but his hands wrap around my left.

"Please tell me this isn't another dream..." Ezra says almost to himself.

"It's not babe," I tell him.

With no more words being said, he lunges towards me. Our lips collide and sparks fly like they've never flown before. The butterflies, the tingly feeling in my toes, the warmth, it all returns.

Our lips eventually part and we rest our foreheads against each others. "I missed you love," he tells me as he touches my face with his hands, making sure that I'm real, that this is real.

"I'm sorry. I'm never leaving you again baby," I tell him.

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