Zombie Hunter!

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Emi's P.O.V

I stepped out of the tent doing a Superman pose while grinning. Watch out zombies! "I'll send you back to hell with all my might!!" I shouted as everyone stared at me and I ran back into the tent. "Captain! I cant do it! They think i'm nuts!! Your advice didn't help!" I cried defeated on the ground as I hugged my legs. "Don't be like that... its normal.... once they see you in action, they will be staring at you longer..." he said calmly as he took a sip on his coffee. I stood up and grabbed his jug full of coffee, "sure" he answered grabbing a mug and giving it to me but too late! I drank the whole jug full of coffee in less that a second. "Captain! I feel happy! I feel like dancing!! What is this called?!" I asked him while I was hopping around, "Its called hyper..." he said frowning as he stared at the empty jug.

"Cap! I think I'll be VVRRRR! Wow what was that?! I don't know!  I made a car sound! HAHAHAHAHA!! anyways! I feel guuuud! I'll be heading out! M'kay bye!!" With that I left still hopping until I hit a pole. "Ouwowowowow! Whoops! Didnt see ya there! Im a car and you must be a lamp pose!" I cheered happily as I pretend like I was driving a car. Coffee is sooo good! I feel young! I AM GROOT! No wait! I am Emi! AHAHAHA! 

Suddenly, I bumped into someone," Wowowo! Keep your eyes on the road- I mean street- Wait that's the same... or is it....?" I questioned myself as I looked up to see who it was, its that busty bitch! "Ah~ Did I hurt you~? Im sooorry! Ah! You are that girl from yesterday!" She said looking surprised. I just gave her a Chesire Cat grin and ran towards the main gate as again it was time to go. We grabbed our guns.... Welll... I grabbed a small gun. I mean like pfft! I don't need big guns! The zombies wont even hurt me! but I need it to protect Zen *says in serious tone*. The gate was opening and I was in the first row! I saw Zen a few people away from me as I waved at him. He waved back giving me a small smile. So cute! "Its time to roll out!!" I announced as me and the other men and women started moving.

Ah! Im sorry! This is all the time I have but I promise tomorrow, I will write along chapter! I decided to update a day once but if I get sick or busy, please forgive me. On special occasions, I might write 2 chapters a day but until then, BYE!!!

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