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I woke up hearing the sound of my phone buzzing manically over in my bag. Groaning slightly, I sat up and pulled on the nearest shirt I could find and crawled over to my bag on the floor by the bed. Being careful not to wake Corey up, I reached down and pulled my phone out, my face dropping once I looked at the screen.

"Do I not get morning cuddles like usual today babe?" I heard Corey joke with sleep still present in his voice.

He moved over to where I was, placing a kiss on my shoulder and then realizing something was wrong.

"What's up? Oh... That's what's up..." He trailed off as he looked at my phone to see the large amounts of texts and missed calls from Ryan. "So now he decides to finally phone and see if you're even still alive? What a fucking joke!" He claimed while I sat there, thinking of what to do.

"I've got to go back," I stated quietly, making Corey stop all his ranting mid sentence.

"What? No I'm sorry, I'm not letting you go back to that lunatic!"

"But he's phoning me! That means I need to go back, he wants me back at the house!"

"Listen to yourself! You don't even call that place your home! Even to you it's just a house! I can't let you go back there, at least not yet. God knows what he would do to you if you go back," Corey explained.

There was a moment of silence before he got up and pulled on some boxers and a pair of jeans, then turned to look at me as I now stood opposite him, the other side of the bed.

"Ok. I won't go back," I said. Corey seemed to relax a bit at that statement and he walked over to me, placing his hands on my waist.

"Thank you," He murmered, leaning in to kiss me.

Once we had sorted the problem with regarding Ryan, he went on downstairs to make a start on breakfast while I went to get in the shower.

I washed my hair and body, removed any traces of any leftover makeup, and then stepped out, wrapped a towel around me then brushed my teeth. I then made my way back into the bedroom and got out my pair of black ripped jeans and one of my new Slipknot tank tops to get dressed in.

Once dressed, Corey shouted up that breakfast was ready and so I left my hair and makeup until later and went on downstairs to where Corey was setting out plates with bacon and cheese toasties. I thanked him and we sat down to ear, talking about what plans there were for today.

"So I'm going to be busy today I think. Paul, Shawn and Mick wanted to come over at some point to talk about some Slipknot stuff, so you're free to do whatever you want," Corey smiled over at me.

"Ok, well I might go into town or something for a bit, maybe do some shopping, I don't know," I replied, smiling back although my mind was elsewhere.

I didn't want to go shopping really, so I wasn't going to. I was still set on going back to mine and Ryan house. Yes, I was still going to go, I had to, the longer I waited, the more he'd hurt me once I do show up so it only made sense to go now instead of in a few more days time.

Corey seemed to believe me though as he agreed with the idea, saying I should go and treat myself and everything. I just smiled at what he was saying as I began to clear our now empty plates into the sink.

"Right, I'm going to quickly get dressed and head out to pick the guys up, I should be back before you head out I imagine but if not I'll see you later on, Ok babe?" He decided, getting up and slapping my ass lightly as he walked past me towards the stairs.

"Don't be cheeky, and Ok, I'll see you whenever!" I called after him as jogged up the stairs.

By the time I was finished with the kitchen, Corey had just left, so I made my way upstairs to do my hair and makeup and set off back to his house.

Give Me a Sign, Show Me The Light (Corey Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now