Chapter 7

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Caution: This is a boxboy novel which includes intimate actions between men/guys/dudes whatever. There will also be a lot of swearings as the story progress. You have been warned. If you don't like it, then don't read it. I didn't write this for those who can't appreciate homosexual love like I do.


Rain's POV

Trauma. That's what you get when you are mauled by the people who you thought will be protecting you all the the time. The feeling you get when your own pack turn their backs on you. The feeling that you get you know that your own mate is the one behind it.  

It destroyed me. And sometimes, I just prayed to the Moon Goddess if ever there is one to just kill me instead rather than have me placed in this situation. It's bad enough that I'm afraid to go outside or meet someone. I'm afraid that if go out, I will be killed in an instant.

I have heard from my parents that the perpetrators are still roaming within the pack as if there is nothing wrong, that I have not been mauled to the inch of my life.  I seek justice, but who will I turn too? The pack does not want nor care about me. It just baffles me that they would keep me here.  It's weird, but I guess they want to keep their alpha strong because an alpha without a mate by his side is a dead man walking. However, as far as I know as long as either of the two does not rejects the bond, everything remains the same. 

I still have a chance. I want to go somewhere peaceful. Somewhere I can be myself and will not be afraid of my own shadow. Somewhere I can heal myself from all the things that happened.  Somewhere I can start anew and forgot everything. How I wish fate will give me that one chance. 

Chris have been visiting me everyday asking if I am okay and if I need anything, however I don't have the courage to say what's on my mind. I remained silent. 

I wanted to scream all my grievances and blame him for what happened, but I don't have the guts to do it. He is still my mate after all. The only thing that I am praying is a one chance to leave this place and forgot everything.  Only time will tell.

It's been a week since the mauling incident and I have been given the signal to go home. My mother was delighted when she heard the news earlier directly from the pack doctor.  She even cried. My poor mother, I wonder what she went thru.  


O My gosh. I almost forgot about him.  I ave not heard from him since I asked him for help.  My mother is currently preparing my stuff to go home.

"Mom?" I asked.  She looked at me.

"Yes honey?" She asked

"Where's Ethan? I have not seen him since... you know?" I asked softly.

"Oh he's been here everyday. However, he never, not once enter the room." She said thoughtfully. What's with him? He never act like this before.  If I know, he will be the first one  barging inside before anyone else. He's my brother from another mother.  And we'll always have each other's back. 

"Mom can you call Ethan when we arrive home?" I asked.  My mother smiled at me and nod her head in response.  

I was silent the whole time. My mother is the one that talked to the doctors about my after care. My my mother, being the mother that she is will follow the orders to the T or worst.  My dad, well he's been silent as well. I don't know what's running thru his mind. He's the type of person that will never shut up about things. He's worst than my mother when it comes to interrogation so I wonder what happen. 

After the "incident", my parents have been acting strange treating me like a freaking China doll. It's still me. Bruised, but it still me. It's been a week since I last saw the outside world and it was not a pleasant memory. A lot has change in a span of one week so I am enjoying the view before I am confined in the house for the remainder of my recovery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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