Wrong timing

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You-(walks in the kitchen and grabs some ice cream) arent you excited tho

Roc- about what?

You- paris..

Roc- oh yeah

You- roc whats wrong?

Roc- nothing

You- you've been my boyfriend for like 5 months. I know when somethings wrong with you

Roc- its just all this stuff going on. Im just stressed

You- well just think youll be a dad in another like 3 months

Roc-(looks down) im not anymore


Roc- she, she got an abortion (closes his eyes)

You-(walks over to him and hugs him) aww, baby

Roc-(hugs back with his head on you starting to cry)

You-look (lifts his head up and and holds his face rubbing it with your thumbs) at least hes in a better place..

Roc- yeah (sniffs) youre right

You-mean while, im tired so im going to bed (walks to your room)

Roc-(sits in the kitchen all night just thinking)

The next morning (thursday):

You-(wakes up)

Roc-(has the music turned up loud and dancing and he doesnt see you)

(Hes singing fine china by chris brown btw (its the best i could do)

You-(tries not to laugh and sits up)

Roc-(still singing the song and dancing)

You-(starts singing too)

Roc-(turns around) uhhh. I was just uhh

You- sounding sexy as fuck singing that


You-(gets out the bed) its freaking thursday (starts doing some micheal jackon shit :P)

Roc-(shakes his head and smiles)

You-(stops and does your morning thing and puts some clothes on)

Roc- IM driving today

You- okay then.. Lets goo.

Roc-(walks to his car and opens your door then goes to the other side and gets it)

You-(gets in and closes the door)

Roc-(drives to school)

You-(walks in the school)

Essynce- (runs to you) did you get my text girl?

You-(laughs) no. What was it for

Essynce- theres gonna be a party at your cousins house tonight

You- (laughs) well damn . Nigga didnt tell me nothin

Essynce- you comin right?

You- of course

Essynce- okay (starts walking) now tell me

You-(walks with her) what?

Essynce- how is the sex (laughs)

You-(laughs and hits her on the arm) nigga

(Yall walk away)

Roc-(walks to the boys) wassup

Ray-wassup (daps him) you goin to that party tonight

Roc- hell yeah

Prod- i gotta find me a girl to get twerked on by

Roc-(shakes his head) nigga you just

Prince- speaking of girls (gets off the locker) wassup mami (follows this girl)

Ray- that nigga

Meanwhile with you:

Jermiah-(turns around) hey yn


Jermiah- yeah i know. You surprised. My parents moved me back down here

You- well as long as-(gco)

Roc- yn?

You-(turns around) wha-(gco)

Roc- (walks to you and jermiah) why is he here and why are you talking to hum?

You- he just moved back down here

Roc- to be with you

You- no!!

Roc-(has a flashback)

Ray- hey. That jermiah boy just moved down here and he told me he was plannin on getting yn back

Roc- yeah okay

Ray- iight then. Dont believe me. But he also told me that she said she wanted him back

(End flashback)

Roc- well you know what.. You can have him (walks out)

You- jermiah what did you tell him

Jermiah- i just told ray about how i came down here for you and that you wanted me back

You- you little bitch (walks out into the hallway)

Roc-(looks at you then walks away)

You-(goes in the bathroom and cries)


(At your house)

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