2. Little Girl

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I'm glad I'm still alive. Two years ago, I was practically dying in a hospital bed because I thought I didn't have a purpose in this world, but when I opened my eyes I was proven wrong.

I smile as I look at Ryan-Ashley's kid. A beautiful little girl with brunette hair. She's two years old already, and she's more than interested in the strange-looking family around her.

I look at Ryan. My handsome husband. He's been talking about adopting recently, but I suggested we wait a couple more years. He agreed it'd probably be best since we just released and album and Tour would make caring for a kid harder.

For celebration, Chris and Josh were discussing what to do. Vinny threw in the idea of going to a club, Devin and a few people in the crew said it's not a bad idea.

But right now, being with my closest friends and a little girl who'd suddenly taken interest in the tattoos on my hands, was celebration enough.

She looks up at me and grins. Suddenly, I do want a kid.

Ryan nudges my shoulder lightly and tells me the crew decided on some kind of bar a few blocks away.

I nod and look back at the kid who's still smiling. Lexi.
I know I'm not actually Balz's brother but I still consider myself as an uncle to her. Balz didn't have any biological brothers, but he said he just knew Lexi would refer to the band as her uncles or something of the sort.
I had no problem with it.

I think about the celebration again. I make a promise to myself not to drink since I hadn't since I was 18.
I knew what would happen if I drank again. And so I decided to just stick close to Ryan.

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