The Ending~

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~Arthur's POV~

"Alfred! Don't throw that in the house!! You'll break a window!!" I yelled to my boyfriend.

"Awe! Iggy why not?" He whined.

"I can't afford another window this month!"

If he broke another window, it'll be the third this month.

I love him, but he's amazing at breaking things.

He put down the baseball pouting, "You're no fun!" He pouted

"You're too expensive," I chuckled.

Alfred had actually gotten kicked out of his parents house, so he moved into the apartment with me.

It's been nice.

But, sometimes he's a bit loud and really excited...well a lot..but its cute.

"Hey Artie?"

"What Alfred?" I looked over.

"I love you~" he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"God, I love you Al," I smiled, blushing.


--128 words!
1.06K Omfg I love you guys, danke!
Thank you for reading!!!!!

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