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*Evie's POV*

I paced the room, my heartbeat in my ears. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose my Bonny.

I felt Jack wrap his arm around my shoulders and Lance grab my hand, simultaneously. No one said anything as we looked at our frail friend fighting for her life.

Lance uttered a prayer under his breath, Jack closed his eyes and hoped, my eyes stayed glued to the slow - too slow - rise and fall of my best friend's chest.

Seeley hasn't moved from his spot, in the chair next to her bed, since we got here nearly a week ago. We all hoped she'd get back to us soon.

I got lost in thought momentarily and when I got back to reality the only thing I noticed, was that slow - too slow - rise and fall of her chest, the only indication she was still with us, was gone.

Jack squeezed my shoulder. Uttering a forced "sorry" under his breath.

We all knew this day would come. The day she left us for good. The day the cancer finally ate away at her spirit. The day heaven got an angel and we lost a friend. The day Bonny left us for good.

I broke down and bawled into Jack's chest, knowing he was fighting back his own tears, and kept asking "why?"

Seeley couldn't believe it. The last thing he had besides his crazy mother was gone. And with her, his joy.

None of us slept well that night. Nor the next, or even the night a year from then.

We had all lost a person dear to us, a person who always brought us smiles. And we couldn't stop it.

That day, that day a year from that night, Temperance decided to write a biography. A story on the life of Bonny. She would've been proud.

Lance and I, we were okay, a little strained. But we were okay. We miss her constantly.

Jack and Seeley both stopped talking. She was like a little sister to both. She made them smile the most.

Angela left the Jeffersonian. And along with her went Camille. They went to a place far away. Where we couldn't find them.

The director was crestfallen. His heart broken. As he had lost an important person.

We will never forget the life that Esmeralda Booth lived. Nor the life she deserved. We will always be there when we are needed. Always be there when we're called. And, we will always show up, that snowy day in March, to sit around her grave and talk, tell her how much we miss her.

Until you have met her, you won't understand.

Okay. That's it. I will write an epilogue to this, but this is the official end of Beauty. Thank you to the people who've been with me since the beginning. ItsEvieLynn specifically. Because this is your story. The story of the two girls who suffered heartbreak. Thank you for reading my story and if you have any requests just send them my way.

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