Chapter Six

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Moments & Rumours


03rd of April 2018

Sang's POV

"Why won't you let anyone in? I would worry less if I knew you had someone watching your back." He ask as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

"You know why. How and who do I trust in times like these? When in a moment they could stab you in the back. No. I'm better of alone." I lean into his touch and close my eyes. "It's these moments I will savour, these moments I long for."

"What are you really afraid of my love?"

I turn around in his arms and place my hand on his cheek, trying to remember his face.

"I'm afraid of never seeing you again. I'm afraid because, in these moments, as beautiful as these are, they are nothing but evil when there gone."

I watch as he leans down and kisses me, I close my eyes, relishing in the emotion pouring into the kiss.

He pulls back slightly and speaks again my lips, "it's only evil to never have these moments. Live for this, remember this, because when we find you, I'll never let you go again." He fully steps back and looks down at me. "Don't be afraid to trust Sang. Not everyone is out to get you."

With that he fades away from me.

I run after him, but I never gain ground.

"Owen, please don't leave me. Not again."

"Sang, wake up."


"Wake up now Sang." He all but screams.

I bolt upright to see someone standing in the doorway, staring down at me.

At first, I think it is Owen. But then I realised it couldn't be him.

I reach for my gun, but the man stands on my hand, and laughs down at me.

I clench my teeth from the pain.

The man reaches down and grabs me by the hair throwing me down onto my stomach.

Refusing to panic, I try and reach behind me to grab the knife from the back of my pants.

"Stay still bitch." He tries to grab my hand, but I finally had hold of the knife, and tilt it enough to slice him.

I manage a small nick, small enough, but still painful, for him to release me.

I turn over fast, and raise my legs and kick out with a scream.

He falls onto his back, but jumps up fast.

Thanks to my training, I'm on my feet and I wait for him to attack.

"You will pay for that, you stupid bitch."

"Then come and get it."

He stops for a second to laugh.

"What's a little girl like you going to do. You know you should never travel alone. Never know what's going to happen."

"Right back at ya dickhead."

He lunged forward, but I step to the side and grab the back of his neck and bring it down to my raised knee. I spin around knocking him out with a kick to the head.

I reach for my gun and point it at his head.

"You should be careful who you mess with. They may surprise you." With that I pull the trigger twice.

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