Chapter Eleven-Pacing Causes Dents

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What? You guys think you're the only ones who hate waiting for a chapter? Do you know how long I've had this written for? I've been waiting to upload. FEEL FREE TO COMMENT YOUR FEELS.


Draco tugged at his hair roughly, pacing the room in sharp lines, making harsh imprints in the soft carpet.

     His eyes were oddly red, and suspiciously puffy. Harry had been taken mere hours ago; who knew what they had done to him in just this short time.

     Draco closed his eyes in despair and tugged the white locks, making his eyes prickle from the pain. Where'd they take him, where'd they take him...where would even take him? A choked noise left his throat, and his frame fell on the couch. 

     His head was lowered into his hands and his fingers rubbed at his eyes furiously, turning them a deeper red than before.

     Defeat flowed through his frame. He knew not where they would take him. 

     Draco wasn't completely sure how long he sat, his mind furiously going over all the locations he could think of, but if he had to guess he'd say around ten minutes, before he shot up, almost knocking over several items. 

      The Professors! He had to tell them at once! Maybe they cold do an advanced locator spell than the ones third years were taught to help them keep track of their things, since Accio was more advanced for their age.

     He shot out the door, caring not for his wrinkled clothes, askew hair, and red eyes. It was past curfew, anyway. No one would be out.

     He made it to the headmasters office in record time, coming up short at the gargoyle. Didn't Dumbledore have a habit of using candy as the password?

     Without hesitation, uncaring about what a scene he was obviously making, though no one was around to witness it, he started shouting out candy names, finally settling on Blood Pops.

     The revolving stairs seemed to move too slow. Draco bounced on his heels at the top as they climbed higher and higher, marveling at the size of the tower the Headmaster lived in.

     He knocked furiously on the door when the stairs ("finally." Draco murmured.) made it to the top, hardly hearing the tired "Come in." over the sound. 

     He rushed in, and didn't even stop to great the wizened old man before he started his rapid, panicked rant. When he finished, he panted heavily, falling into a chair.

      "Headmaster, can't you cast a locating charm and find him? I don't know how they got in but they took him and I couldn't do anything. Please Headmaster." Draco whispered, staring at his socked feet, shame filling his frame. It was his fault Harry had been taken.

     "Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said lightly. "do not blame yourself. As you yourself said we are unaware of how they manged to get in. We need to take care of that so that no more harm comes to the students, first and foremost." He finished, and Draco glared hotly at the man. Harry was possibly dead by now! How long had Harry been gone now? Half an hour? More? 

     Draco watched, almost detached, as Dumbledore sent out multiple Patronesses, each going out the door, to where Draco assumed the head of houses were.

     He waited silently. 

     Mcgonagall was the first to arrive, followed by Flitwick, then Snape, and finally Sprout. Draco made no comments and ignored the looks shot at him repeatedly. Dumbledore explain gently, quietly. When his explanation was through, the teachers dispersed, some to block the fire places, others to seal the entrances, and some to overall check the wards and check for dark magic.

     When Dumbledore and Draco were once again alone, the old man stood, his wand pointed to the sky, lips moving rapidly, a complicated string of latin leaving too quietly for Draco to hear.

     A blue light left the wand, and Draco watched with quiet fascination as to went through the ceiling. When Albus sat down once again, Draco looked to the man for an explanation. 

     "That was a locating charm. It should find Mr. Potter, but as we are unaware of whatever wards may be put up, it may only come up with a general area, which admittedly is better than nothing," He said, a sigh in his words. Draco nodded.

      Minutes passed. Draco almost fell out of his chair when a beam of bright blue flew into the room from the ceiling very suddenly. 

     Dumbledore looked upon the results eagerly, eyes scanning the magic, flowing lines in a way Draco couldn't decipher. 

    He wasn't sure he wan't to know why a frown suddenly adorned the Headmasters face. 

    Nonetheless. "Professor?"

     The man looked to Draco only briefly, expression a strange mixture of grim, confusion and a small, small twinkle of hope. Draco was actually glad to see the twinkle for once. 

     "I have found traces of my own magical signature, as well as other, darker ones. The spell couldn't find an exact location, but since it was familiar with my own magic is seems we got a smaller area in which to look than we could have hoped for. Harry seems to be somewhere near Hogwarts, but not in the forest. More near Hogsmead. I'm afraid I can't help you any further, Mr. Malfoy. I will send out those that I can when I am amble." He said, and with furry and a new hope Draco nodded stiffly, before getting up and walking out of the room, robes billowing about him in such a way to make Snape proud.

     Draco stalked back off to his own rooms, his mind a whirlwind. Upon reaching his destination, he continued to pace furiously, ignoring the voice that sounded like his mother, murmuring about how pacing caused dents in carpets. He ended up making several dents in the carpet, true to his nagging voice in his head, or maybe that was his mother, and fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, stress weighing down on him. 

    He woke around none, and rolled over with a frown. Why wasn't Harry's small body warming his, like usual? Draco cracked an eye open, only to see himself in his pajamas, but the strange thing was that he had socks on. He never wore socks to bed. 

     When Draco realized, he groaned and fell back against the fluffy pillows. He wiped the eye-boggies away, clearing his vision as he looked around the room, which seemed depressingly quiet with only the sounds of Draco's breathing and rustling to fill it. 

     He tossed and turned, despair washing over him. He closed his eyes with a sigh. What would Harry do? The proper Harry, who was his age?

     How did the blasted boy always find me? And lead that group around too, for that matter? 
Draco wondered idly, before he shot up in his bed. Didn't Harry a map? Draco scrambled away, into Harry's bedroom which hadn't even been opened in several days, at the least; he hadn't been keeping track.

     He rummaged in the small trunk Harry had at the foot of his bed, wondering if this counted as violating. Probably. But Draco had bigger things to worry about than that.

     Draco gave a cry of triumph as he came across the aged parchment. He recognized from seeing it in Harry's hands several times over the years. Little Harry had also told him about it, though Draco had been giving him half a mind at the time, having been doing his homework when Harry brought it up.

     "What did he say, what did he say you had to do to make it work?" He murmured furiously to himself, wracking his brain. Harry had been there for, what, fifteen hours or so? Draco needed to get him out. 

     "It started with an 'I solemnly swear'....swear swear, that I am....oh what was the last part?" Draco whispered furiously. 

     "The Weasel Twins gave it to him, didn't they? Well..what were they?" He murmured, staring down at the old parchment. 

     He tapped if absentmindedly with his wand. "I solemnly swear I am..." He trailed off, staring at it...what were the Weasel Twins? What did they always do? What would they do? Weasel Twins, Draco snorted, almost fondly, staring at the parchment. "Up to no good, was what you wer- Bollocks!" Draco swore, staring in fascination as the parchment immediately filled itself with lines and dots and feet prints, labels and names. He smiled victoriously and almost jumped.

     He scanned the paper furiously, eyes scanning over it's many layers and lines. It amazed him. He looked to the edge of the map, where it went only a little further than the Whomping Willow. He followed the little circle from the tree curiously, ending in a series of lines labeled as the Shrieking Shack.

     Draco almost passed over it, before he saw a small name which made his heart pound furiously, before nearly stopping and pounding again.

    Harry Potter.

    His eyes flickered to a form, which moved but didn't cause footsteps, but rather a bendy line, circling the small form back and forth.


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