Chapter Ten-Prey Vs. Predator

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I changed the cover again! This one is much better.



     Harry screamed and kicked to his best abilities, trying desperately to be released from the hold of the one holding him. 

     He sobbed and cried helplessly, tears streaming down his face in fear as he kicked in a futile attempt to escape. 

     "Please, pleaseplease, let me go, please," He sobbed, his body deflating as the arms tightened around him, his energy and hope drained. 

     "Why do I have to restrain the brat?" A deep voice sounded from above Harry; from the person holding him. He seemed to be speaking to the one on their left. Harry glanced over, and almost screamed. She had taken down her hood, revealing her face.

     Her hair was a frizzy mess, her face deathly pale and skin stretched thinly over her features, which were sharp. The eyes scared him the most, however; they were crazed. Utterly crazed. Harry sobbed again, hopelessness washing through him like a tidal wave.

     "Because I was busy cruicio'ing your son." She said, her sticky sweet voice coming with a smile to match. Harry's posture slumped more even though his mind raced with panic. The man holding him sniffed, and Harry watched the wooden walls pass dully, wondering what horrible fate he was being lead to.

     Did that mean the mean man was Draco's daddy? But, aren't daddies supposed to be nice? Draco's nice...He'd make a good daddy...I wonder what my daddy was like...Draco could be my daddy... 
Harry mused in despair and confusion. It didn't make sense to his almost completely six year old mind.

     They house they were in was old, Harry was sure. The walls were made of wood which was cracked and had wholes, rusty nails sticking out at odd angles. The floor creaked as they walked and the staircases they took trembled under the weight. Harry felt like they might give out under their weight, and they'd fall and maybe the guy holding him would let him go and he could make his escape, but nothing other than dust came off the wooden steps, and Harry felt his hope sinking to new lows.

     It looks like a shack, Harry mused inanely.

     It was minutes later they came to a three way turn. One hallway leading to left, one to the right, and a door directly in front of them. To Harry's reluctance, they doors opened and they entered the room. 

     Harry was put down, well, dropped, really, on the ground and Harry yelped at the sudden change. He rushed to pick himself up again, scuttling away from the large group, baking up against a wall, splinters going into his hands and causing Harry to wince. 

     His eyes flickered around rapidly, searching for exits like he had been practically trained to in his early years. There was a window, but it was high. There was a table next to it, which helped, but they were across the room. They had to be at least on the second floor, if not third. If he'd even survive the fall, he'd need a distraction to get to the window and away. There was the door which they had come through, but it was blocked by the crazy woman and the one that had held Harry.

     Harry let his eyes watch the occupants of the room. His eyes froze on a man with snake-like features and blood red irises. It caused a shock to his system, but it was horribly out of his memory, like an inch he couldn't reach and it annoyed and intimidated him. His body obviously recognized this man as a threat, though for all things made by Merlin he couldn't remember why.

     His breath shallow'ed, becoming unstable and choppy, not that it wasn't before hand. He scratched at the wall with short, stubby fingernails and came back with empty hands, albeit full of splinters.

     The man, previously perched on a throne which looked horribly out of place, was now walking slowly towards him, reminding Harry violently of a time when he saw something like this on the telly at home. 

     Prey vs. predator. 

     "Harry Potter." He spoke, voice low and hissing. "Finally. You are defenseless; weak; at my mercy. I could do so many things to you. And we will get around to all of them. But for now, your job is to give us information." Voldemort said, and Harry wondered how he knew the blokes name. 

     "I-I-I don't know nothin'!" Harry cried out, panic causing his voice to come to almost a shriek. This guy was bad. He wasn't nice. Harry wasn't sure how he knew this, but he knew it like he knew that Draco would save him. 

     A cruel smile came to Voldemort's thin lips. "Don't play coy, Potter. We can do this all night and I assure you the longer you hold out, the worse the punishment will be. If you tell us what we want with ease, I'll grant you a quick death." He said with a shallow laugh. 

     Harry's breathe came in short, rapid spurts. His heart was racing a mile a minute as he backed himself as close to the wall as he could manage. 

     "I don't know anything!" He shouted. Voldemort lost his smile.

     "Where is the Order Of The Phoenix?" He hissed, getting out of his throne and prowling around Harry. 

     "I don't know what that is," Harry whispered. He folded in on himself, tucking his head into his knees. He shook violently as he sobbed into his knees. He didn't know anything, he didn't know what was going to happen to him and he just wanted to get away from this man. He wanted Draco! Draco would save him!

     But Harry had to be strong. Strong for Draco. 

     Harry lifted his head.

     "Potter, this really would be easier if you cooperated." Voldemort said, voice set in a growl.

     Harry glared at Voldemort, standing abruptly and launching himself at the man. Harry kicked him as hard as he could in the groin and hit him as hard as he could, little fists flying in rapid succession. Voldemort shrieked.

     "Crucio!" He shouted, and Harry screamed, collapsing on the floor as pain enveloped his body. "Nagini!" He shouted next, but Harry could hardly hear it over the sound of his screams.

     The spell was lifted, and Harry trembled and sobbed as tears streamed down his face. His head lolled to the side and he saw through blurry vision, a form which was low to the ground, and bright green, coming closer and closer to him.

     Then it was right next to him, and Harry stared, helpless as the snake reared up. Harry let out  choked scream as razor sharp and poison-tipped fangs closed down on his arm. 


     Draco wasn't sure how long he stared at the fireplace for. He was motionless, shock running through his system. Harry was gone. They just walked in and took him. How did they even get in? 

     Draco trembled as his body collapsed on the floor. Sobs he refused to let out shook his body violently. 

     When had the boy become so important to him?

     Draco would get him back. He had to. If he didn't....who knew what they were doing to him, at this very moment? Voldemort was a cruel bastard. 

     Where were they? How for the love of Salazar was he going to find him?

      But...that didn't matter. He would find Harry. He would save him. And he would be alive, and not a hair on his head had been touched. And if so much as a hair on his head didn't meet those requirements, there would be hell to pay.

     I'm going to save you Harry....I promise.


Oh yes, I added an innuendo, in a place I really shouldn't have and wouldn't be taken at all in a dirty way if you all had clean minds. But alas, none of us do. Ah well. Likey? How the feels?

Potions Class Gone Wrong -Harry Potter Fanfiction-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora