Chapter Nine-Gone

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     I changed the cover! Do you guys like it? I'm still new to making covers. It's a little messy, but...ah well. I tried. The last one was made by a friend, but I made that one.


     Harry awoke slowly, stretching languidly, relishing in the warmth and comfort that surrounded him like a warm blanket. Plus the warm blanket above him. And there seemed to be a body, as well, giving off heat. That was nice.

     Harry snuggled himself in further to the motionless form next to him, his head getting wedged between neck and shoulder and arms wrapping around the others torso. 

     Sleepily, Harry matched his breathing pace to the one that belong to the body next to him, a small smile on his face as he felt an elegant hand run through his hair softly. Harry was soon lulled deeply back into the warm embrace of Morpheus. 

     Draco let a serene smile adorn his face for a few blissful moments, before reality sunk in, a frown now marring his features. He could feel a...feeling, an emotion, rapidly growing and pulsing inside him, and he was almost repulsed by the pureness of it. 

     It was with a sigh he accepted that this wouldn't last forever. The potion would be made, eventually, and then...Harry would be gone. 

     But Draco desperately wished that wouldn't happen. He found himself enjoying cuddling much more than he ever thought he would. He didn't even mind the hair trying to make him sneeze!

     Draco ran his hand lightly up Harry's clothed back. He briefly wondered how purely intimate this action would be if Harry wasn't six at the moment. 

     He supposed Harry wasn't really. He still had some memories of his past years, but they seemed to be rapidly fading into nothing. 

     Draco froze as Harry winced in his sleep suddenly. His hand paused, and he carefully lifted Harry's shirt to see the spot his hand had been. He frowned. There didn't seem to be a mark.

     Then, right before his eyes, he saw it. It started as a little misshapen dot, before it bloomed rapidly across Harry's back in a deep purple bruise, roughly in the shape of a big hand print. 

     Draco gently lowered the shirt and closed his eyes in rage. It simmered at the surface, and the only think keeping him and his magic from lashing out seemed to be Harry's steady breathing and constant movements to get impossibly close to the blond, to comfort. 

     Draco's grip tightened around the black haired boy, stuffing his own face into the unruly curls, only to pull back a moment later and sneeze. Harry giggled, and Draco almost sighed in disappointment. He wouldn't be getting any more cuddles. For many hours, at least. (Noooooo Draco me and the fangirls will snuggle with youuuuuu)


     "Oi, Harry, c'mere for a second!" Draco called, smiling as the sound of little footsteps quickly made their way over to him.

     "Yes, Dray?"

     "I got something for you in the mail. Still know what Quiddich is?" Draco asked with a smile, and Harry's little squishy face scrunched up in confusion. 

     "No, Dray." He said, quietly, lowering his head in shame.

     "Well, I'll just have to re-teach you. You can learn from the best this time," Draco said haughtily, making Harry giggle before he handed Harry a thin package about Harry's small size, if not a bit taller. 

     "Really?" Harry asked in awe, and Draco nodded with a smile. Harry teared into the package, and a frowned adorned Draco's face now that Harry couldn't see it. Poor kid didn't even get presents...though I suppose it shouldn't surprise me...Draco quickly put his smile back on as Harry stared at the polished wood handle in confusion. 

     "It's practice broom. One of the ones that can fly. Of course, you can't go very high, which is horribly boring but fair enough." Draco said with a smile, and Harry started jumping up and down in excitement. 

     "I wanna fly I wanna fly I wanna fly!" 

     Draco laughed, taking the broom fully out of its casing and showing Harry the proper way to hold it and mount it. Harry watched attentively, and when it was his turn he copied Draco to almost a hair as he mounted the broom. 

     Before Draco could show him how to fly, Harry kicked off and he was five feet off the ground quickly. Draco quirked a smile, even as his heart started to beat nervously. His body seems to remember, at least, he mused. 

     "I wanna go higher!" Harry complained, even as a brilliant smile rested on his face. 

     "It can't go any higher, Harr-"

     "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Harry shouted, a joyous laugh escaping his lips as he zoomed across the room at a speed faster than the broom was supposed to go, now three feet higher than the set height.

     Draco's heart thumped nervously in his chest as he watched with avid eyes. He carefully watched for any sigh of panic or loss of control, but Harry seem perfectly fine, in his element, even. 

     Draco sat on the couch, still tense as he waiting for any sign of something going wrong. It wasn't until ten minutes later that he relaxed, somewhat. Even if it does give me a near panic attack every time he does a mini dive or loop, he seems to be enjoying himself greatly. 

     Time for dinner came, and Harry again surprised him by not complaining when Draco told him it was time to put the toy away. Again, Draco felt small rage boil. Harry was way too well behaved, even given the fact he was sixteen at one point. 

     That seemed like so long ago, Draco thought as he sat on the couch and picked up a book. He withheld his surprise when Harry came up to him a moment later, snuggling next to him as he played with a plushie. 

     Draco smiled tenderly, before opening his book. It was an hour later that both boys had fallen asleep.


     It was a scream that awoke Draco.

     Draco flailed as he fell gracelessly off the couch, blinking rapidly and struggling to take in the scene before him.

     The fireplace was alive and blistering hot with harmless green flames. The table that rested in the space between the couch and said fireplace was knocked over, one of its legs broken.

     Three cloaked figures stood in his line of vision, one of them holding a screaming and flailing Harry.

     Death Eaters. The thought raced through Draco and stabbed him in the heart with a spike of pure panic.

     "LET ME GO! LET ME GO! DRACO! HELP ME!" Harry screamed, and Draco was on his feet, wand arm raising, before blinding pain entered his system.

     He watched with watery eyes as one of the three left through the fireplace, then went the one holding a struggling Harry was gone, and then the spell was lifted, and shortly thereafter the room was empty for all but him.

     Draco struggled to his feet, the affects of the Cruicatus Cruse making him wince with every movement as a dull ache enveloped his body, but it was nothing to the shear panic that gripped his heart and mind.

     He's gone. He's Gone. Gonegonegonegone. HE CAN'T BE GONE!

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