15: The window (Stiles x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah... So I'm... Gonna close the curtains." She laughed and I did too.


"So then she just dropped her towel in front of me bro." I say, talking to my friend Scott at my locker.

"Wow. That must've been great to see." Scott laughed. "Did you get a nice view?" He smirked.

I chuckled then tilt my head to the side. "Seriously Scott?"

"What? I'm sure you did." Scott laughed and patted my back like I did something great. But it's not like it was my choice to look... Well okay it kinda was.

"You're lucky you're neighbours with her man." Scott says suddenly.

I couldn't stop talking about her and what just happened.

"Like I saw her whole body! She has this amazing body and no wonder why all the guys want her and no wonder why I'm never gonna get her!" I say quickly and put my hands on my head.

"Stiles, as a honest guy, I'm telling you she will fall for you. Just like how you fell for her." He winked.

Scott had a point about me falling for her. I liked her for her personality, and yes her looks are a bonus! But the guys only want her for her whole body and looks. I'm not like that!

I sighed then there was a long silence until Scott spoke again.

"What if she did that on purpose?" Scott says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Maybe she knew you were there and she dropped her towel on purpose. You never know..." He says like it was a great mystery. "Don't you think that she would spy on you too?" Scott's last part made my eyes widen and I feel a small blush come up to my cheeks and Scott laughed.

"So how's her butt look?" Scott asks all of a sudden.

"Scott are you really trying to get this information out of me? Are you serious?" I stared at him.

"Come on." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Dude you're like... More perverted than I am." I say.

Scott looked at me with a 'really?' Expression.

"Okay fine! Her butt's like..." I made a gesture in the air.

"Now who's the more perverted one who actually looked, and remembers." Scott laughed and I hit him on the arm. "See what I did there? I got to mess with my pal." Scott laughed. And I put my face in my hands. "Oh god." I say. "Relax I don't judge." He says ruffling my hair and I smack his hand away.

"Hey here she comes!" Scott says and my head shot to where his eyes were. I watched her quietly begin to walk by.

"Dude say hi." Scott says.

"I'm not going to say hi."

"Come on man."

"Scott no."

"Say it."


"Say it Stiles come on."


"Hey!" Scott says nodding his head to her to greet her and she smiled. "Hey Scott!" She said.

"Hey Y/N!" I suddenly say and wave feeling like an idiot.

"Hey Stiles!" She giggled.

I heard Scott trying to hold in his laugh. I gave him a glare.

I sighed then saw her turn to walk towards us.

Oh no...

"Hey um... Can... Can I talk to you really quickly?" She said nervously.

"Sure." I say and Scott already knows to walk away. I saw him stop at the end of the hall so that he could hear our conversation. Stupid wolf powers...

"Um... About this morning..." She says a little shy looking at the ground.

"L-listen I'm sorry for looking. When you were putting your clothes on..." I chuckle sheepishly.

"It's fine." She said and giggles again.

"So then things... Aren't really awkward or anything right?" I say twiddling with my fingers but stare into her eyes while she looked back at mine.

"Of course not." She giggles.

"Okay good. For a second I thought that it could have been a bad move and would get you not to like me and you wouldn't want to talk to me anym-" She giggles and I immediately stop talking once she gave a fast small peck on my lips.

Did she... Did she really... Was that a kiss though... I don't know it was so fast! And I never had my first kiss before! What does it mean?!

My thoughts were racing and she took notice.

"Stiles?" She asks.

"Huh yea I like you too." I say quickly and mentally face palm.

She raises her eyebrows and giggles. "I like you too Stiles."

My mouth falls open and I stare at her while she smiles and stares at me.

"Um does that mean... You... You're..."

"Your girlfriend?" She says smirking.

"Do you want to be?" I nervously chuckle.

"Mmhm." She simply says and kisses me again while standing on her tippy-toes. I'm still pretty new to this whole first-kiss thing but it seemed to come naturally. I cupped her cheeks with my hands and kissed her back.

I can't believe that out of all the guys... She chose ME. This is incredible! I was that one guy she likes!

We both slowly part and the bell to class rings.

"See you Stiles." She smiles and began walking down the hall. I watched her until she eventually turned down another hallway making her fall out of my view.

"Heeeeeeeeeey!" Scott said running down the hall to me completely making me snap out of Y/N's trance. "You did it dude!" Scott cheered.

"Yeah." I laughed and Scott put his arm around me.

"Proud of you." Scott said and I laughed again.

The end

Would you drop your towel if you knew Stiles was there?

Yes 🌚

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