Chapter Eleven

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Tim's POV
We ran into Sinister sister HQ, it was just a regular office building full of shooting ranges, weapons,
Meeting assassination rooms,
You know the good ol' stuff.
We ended up at the top floor which was Raven's office.
Raven had a whole floor to herself because of training and what not so...great.
I looked around and Raven ran up to me.
"What are you doing here?" She said angered.
"Raven. I'm here for My prince." I growled.
She scoffed.
"Timothy, where good friends in all but I promised If Sydney ever met her demise that I would protect him with my life.
And from the story he told me your pretty dangerous to have him right now isn't that correct?" She cocked her head to the side.
"Raven...I will not fight you."
"Because you know your gonna lose?"
"Because I just want Toby back and wanna leave."
"Nope." She said popping the 'p' as she slashed my arm.
I pulled out my pipe and we started to fight.

Toby's POV
Oh no...I heard Tim and Raven fighting.
I was scared,
I was so so scared.
Why did he want me so bad?
What should I do?
I cowered under raven's desk as I heard footsteps approach me.
I looked up and saw Brian looking around, his phone in hand.
He let out an angry growl and walked past me.
I let out a small sigh as he kept walking away.
After the fight stopped and I heard Zachary yelling his ass off at Tim, brain shot Zachary in the head which should knock him unconscious for a few hours.
I heard the two males start walking around.
"The tracker says he's right here...maybe he's on the floor beneath us." Brain sighed.
"Go for a few. I wanna look for him."
As Tim looked around I made a run for it, running into a closet and locking the door, hoping to God he didn't see me.
I heard stomping and footsteps running towards the door and banging on it.
"Toby let me in!" He yelled.
"N---no!" I screamed, afraid.
"You have till the count of three! And fair warning, move out of the way!"
I shook in fear as I cowered in the corner and cover my head with my arms.
I heard him counting to three and he beat on the door as hard as he could, breaking it.

Tim's POV
I felt tears well up as I took off my mask to reveal my tear stained face.
I embraced him into a hug and he was taken back by my action.
"W---why aren't y---you hurting me?..." He asked.
I felt so hurt by that, he thought I would hurt him.
"No no no, my prince...your mine, I love you so much...I didn't mean to do what I did to you. I'm sorry I hurt you...I love you so much sweetie..."
I pulled him into my lap and kissed his jaw line as he just cried.
"Let it all out's ok, Your knight is here..." I whispered as he slowly drifted off into sleep.

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