Chapter Seven

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Tim's POV
I opened my groggy eyes to see an empty bed.
I just assumed that Toby had gone to breakfast before a light breeze brushed across my face.
I turned to face the window to see it was open.
Uh oh...
I stood up in my boxers and looked at the window, a piece of black hair was stuck in a crack of the window sill.
I inspected the piece of hair and concluded that it looked like Zach's, and it felt like wig hair.
I could feel anger boiling up in me as I knew he stole my boy from me.
I let out a sigh and got dressed in my normal attire.
I trudged downstairs and looked at Jeff, he could see I was depressed even with the mask on.
"What's wrong dude?" He hissed tiredly.
"Can I borrow smile dog?" I asked kindly.
"Sure...why?" He stretched his tired limbs as his, 'FUCK YOU' black t-shirt seemed to point itself at me.
I held up the piece of hair and sighed.
"I think this guy I met at a rave last night kidnapped Toby."
His already wide eyes seemed to grow wider.
"You plan on bringing someone with you or even, oh I don't know telling slendy?"
I simply shook my head.
"I was gonna hunt him using smile dog. He didn't seem to strong so u was just gonna beat him up with my pole."
Jeff sighed again.
"Let me go with, and I'll take smile too." He stood up and went to grab some pants, his knife and hoody.
He brought smile out of his room and smile tackled my leg.
He licked it continuously as I just laughed.
I showed him the piece of hair, he sniffed it, he took the lead and headed out the door.
We trailed behind him, in silence.
I heard a faint snap and noticed that Jeff was putting his hair in a pony tail as it was getting in his face.
I just chuckled and went back to calming myself down.
Toby's POV
I heard the door creak open as Zach stepped inside, but instead of having black hair he had brown hair and blue eyes.
The only way I could think it was him was because of his body type.
"Z---Zach?..." I choked out.
He sighed and sat down on the small chair with his video camera.
"Hey. My name isn't actually Zach, it's jay." He said depressed.
"J--jay?..." I questioned.
"Yeah. When I was around, 20, 21, I found footage in my best friend's house, his name was Alex. We went through this shit storm of scary stuff and at the end I was on the verge of death. And it was Tim's fault. He left me at his house alone with nothing. He took my precious life into his hands and let it fall, so, I'll do that to him with you." He smirked up at me.
I was twitching and popping my neck like crazy.
I was naked, in a dungeon, with a psycho, with some revenge list, and I'm on it.
I was fucking terrified.
And I knew that no one was gonna come save me.

(Hey one quick IMPORTANT update.
Thank you guys so much for your supportive comments! I know it's only like three comments a chapter but they really do mean so much.
Thank you guys so much.)

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