Chapter Eight

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Tim's POV
I sighed and looked up into the sky, walking with Jeff and his freak of a dog.
I heard smile bark as he ran towards a neighborhood outside of the forest.

Toby's POV
I silently cried as I sang an old song I had heard somewhere;
"We should get jerseys, cause we make a good team..."
Tim's POV
An old song I had heard popped into my head, and I started singing for some odd reason;
"But yours would look better than mine, cause your otta my league."
Jeff gave me an old look but he shook it off.

Song POV
Toby; "And I know that it's so cliché to tell you that everyday,"
Tim: "I spend with you is the new best day of my life,"
Toby; "and everyone watching us just turns away with disgust,"
Tim; "it's jealousy, cause they can see that we've got it goin on."

Tim's POV
I know this is gonna sound cheesy, but in my heart I felt like Toby was out there somewhere singing the other part, and I followed my heart to him.
I darted past smile and to the front lawn old house...
It was MY old house.
I burst through the door huffing and puffing from being so worked up.
I looked around and followed my heart again.
I found the singing in the basement.
"And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way to let you know what you mean to me, then what I know how to say," I could hear his soft, angelic voice coming from the door.
I heard Jeff enter the home as well as his freak show dog.
As I was about to enter the stairwell to the basement, someone tackled me.
I looked up to see jay...
Jay....the man who risked everything,
Jay....the one who did everything,
Jay....the man that I KILLED.
I gasped and hugged him, tightly.
He looked shocked and confused.
"JAY! HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU ALIVE?? ALEX KILLED YOU! BUT WHO THE HELL CARES?!" I jumped up from joy and realized I looked like a Japanese school girl.
I calmed myself and realized, why the fuck was he here anyway?
He punched me in the jaw, before pulling out a gun and pointing it at me.
"J---Jay...why would you do this?..."
I questioned sadly.
"Because. If you hadn't left me that day and been an idiot, I wouldn't have suffered from mass brain injury."
He spat.
"You took everything from me, my sanity, my trust. EVERYTHING. So I took something you care about. Ticci. Toby." He made an overdramatic twitch when he said ticci which really got me worked up.
"And it seems your ok with the way this is going to be, cause this is gonna be the best thing we've ever seen." I sang out.
I ripped my pipe from my coat and landed it right in his torso.
He flew to the ground and Jeff tackled him.
"You go find Toby, I'll stay here and handle this."
I nodded and ran towards the door, trying to open it.
It finally gave out and the door handle broke, letting me enter.
I rushed in and was greeted by a naked Toby chained to an iron table.
I rushed and hugged him with tears streaming down my face.
I ripped the chains off of him and he hugged back.
"If anyone could make me a better person you could," I sang in his neck, as I buried my face into it.
I took off my over sized coat for him, and gave it to him.
He quickly got dressed in it and it hit me.
What if Jay 'touched' him...
"DID HE TOUCH YOU?" I yelled.
"N---no..." Toby slowly backed off.
I calmed because I remembered that, he's been here for over 24 hours and may have been hurt in the process, and I was scaring my baby.
"I'm sorry." I sighed and picked him up, taking him back to the mansion after Jeff dealt with Jay.
I hugged Toby the whole way home, as he shook in relief and fear.

(Don't worry more exciting stuff is gonna happen. There will be a fight
:3 but that's all the spoilers for now!)

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