We Need Money

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To Gringotts we go at least.

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I do not own PJO, HOO, HP (witty sarcastic comment about how I want to.)

Harry POV

It was Saturday morning, Mrs. Weasley banged on the door "Harry, Ron time to get up we have to get to Diagon Alley to get all you supplies." I turned to Ron to see him still asleep, I went over to wake him up. After a while I finally got him up, and we made our way down stairs.

All the exchange students were at the table except the two that came from the cyclone, I think their names were Annabeth and Percy. Ron noticing this literally asks "Where the bloody hell are the other two?'

The hippogriff boy I think it was Jason replies "They must be still sleeping, after what happened they don't get much, so we let them sleep when they get a nightmare less night."

"It's nice to have a restful night, and not wake up screaming or crying." A voice said, I turned to the door and there stood the two exchange students from the cyclone. They looked like they were tossing and turning all night, they both had dark circles under their eyes.

They came and joined us at the table, they both took their food scraped some into fire then came back and sit down. A little bit later Mrs. Weasley came in and ushered us to the fire place to Floo to Diagon alley.

"So have any of you Floo'ed before?" Mrs. Weasley asked, my thought was five of them, got here without apperating, flooing or using a port key why would they need to floo. Ron asked the question I was thinking.

"Well, the way we travel takes a lot of power and energy, and tires us out a lot, where we will almost fall asleep when we arrive. So we prefer different means of travel." Answered Percy.

"Well we will have Fred and George, show you how it's done." Mrs. Weasley said, handing them the pot with the Floo powder in it. Fred, I think, stepped into the fireplace threw the floo powder and said "Diagon Alley." And then a green fire exploded and no one was standing there.

I turned to the exchange students all of them had a surprise look on their face, except for the imp boy Leo. He looked like he just saw the best way to travel, and then he voiced his opinion "That was totally wicked!"

Jason said "really Leo the Incredibles?"

Leo gave a huge impish grin ran forward grabbed some floo powder and ran into the fireplace. He threw it to the ground and screamed "DIAGON ALLEY!!" Then the fire exploded much bigger then I have seen it. The other exchange students rubbed their foreheads like they were dealing with a five year old, which they pretty much were.

We all took our turn, last to go would be Mrs. Weasley to make sure we all did the right thing. Once we were all out in the Leakey Caldron. As we stepped in to Diagon Alley, Mrs. Weasley said "Ok dears, I will pick up your books, it should take a while to get them for all of you. Ron, Harry Hermione please take them to Gringots, Eylops Owl Emporium, Madam Malkin's, Ollivanders, and then meet me in Flourish and Bolts to pay for your books."

With that she headed off to the book store, while we headed to Gringots. As we entered the bank, all the exchange students got into a defensive position as if half expecting the goblins to attack, but awhile were no attack happened they visibly relaxed. We walked up to the first free teller whose name was Bogrod. He simply said "Keys?"

Ron and I placed our keys on the counter the exchange students looked to Percy, who was fumbling around checking his pockets. He looked kind of like Hagrid the first time I came here, finally he pulled out a letter and a key. Not like ours it was actually glowing and looked like it was made out of bronze.

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