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<< Hate is something you expect from a lot of people, and a lot of circumstances call for hate. Children have what they think is hate for many things, and the word hate is often misunderstand, or misused. But, a lot of times you never brace yourself for your loved ones to say they hate you. From them, even children, it is a hard blow. I know I wasn't expecting it, even though I didn't know what to expect. And I knew it hit me harder than I let on. So the lesson is, always brace yourself for anything at any given time. >>

"Get out! Get out!" Annie screamed at me from the bed, and me and Ollie were both looking at her with pure looks of shock.

"Annie, stop yelling!" Ollie finally said, after a moment.

"No, he's the reason mom's dying! He's the reason I got hurt, Ollie, I wish we never came to the states!" The little girl turned back to me, her blue eyes full of fire. "Get out."

"Annie, it was a freak accident. It was raining, the tires on your rental car weren't very good. The car slipped through a stop sign, you got hit. It was no ones fault." I said, taking a step forward, letting my eyes meet hers.

"But if we stayed in Zurich this never would've happened!" she said, her eyes level with mine. "Now, get out before I make you!"

Ollie slid off the bed, and Annie looked at her unbelieving.

"If you make him leave, I'm going with him." Ollie said, walking over to me and I stood there shell-shocked.

This little girl had just rejected her sister for a man she'd met yesterday.

"Ollie! You can't leave me!" Annie's fire in her eyes died down a bit, and doubt replaced it. "You wouldn't leave me, would you?"

"Just give Owen a chance, ok? It wasn't his fault. He promised me everything would be ok. And remember what mom said about promises? She would never promise us anything unless it were true, and I'm sure Owen is the same way, right?" she said, her blue eyes darting up to my face.

"I promise I will do everything I can to make sure your mother is alright. Ok?" I said, hoping it was a good enough answer.

Annie narrowed her eyes a bit, but didn't say anything.

I walked over to one of the chairs in the room and sat down, Ollie climbed back up next to Annie on  the bed.

Annie turned her attention towards me.

"How much money do you make?" she asked me bluntly.

"What?" I asked, caught off guard.

"I don't want you leeching money from our mom." was her only answer.

"I... I'm not going to leech money from your mom. What does Cristina even teach you guys? You talk about affairs, and leeching money, and I think I heard you say hell yesterday, Ollie." I knew Cristina liked to be blunt, but I'd never thought about her as a mother really when she'd never wanted children.

"She says honesty is the best policy." Annie told me.

"I make enough money to take care of all of you, even if your mother quit her job."

Ollie smiled at Annie, as if to say 'see! this guy is nice.'

Annie just narrowed her eyes further. "You're going to make her quit her job? Mom loves her job."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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