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Present Day (OWEN POV)

<< Owen: Connections fade. You get the concept of this early on in life, as a child. Older family members pass, you grow up and lose friends, connections snap. You grow use to it. But one thing you never expect to snap is true, pure, love. I know I never expected that connection to fade with time. But it did, and I survived no matter how many times I thought I wouldn't. I survived a wound that felt like death. And made new connections. But maybe the human race has it all wrong. Maybe connections don't snap. Maybe the physical connection's gone, but the ones you can't see are still there. The memories, of your former friends and family members, the ghost of a former lover. Except sometimes, it's not a ghost. It's reality, and it's not just one ghost. It's three. >>

"Kepner, is Grey here already?" I asked once I entered the emergency room. Kepner loved it there, and truly was gifted with trauma.

"Yep, already in surgery." she told me, and I let it go with a shocked shrug. Meredith Grey was not a woman you could predict.

I walked to my office, where I sat down signing paperwork and going through files.

And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, my pager beeped. Trauma emergency.

I rushed down to the emergency room doors, getting suited up in trauma gear and gloves along the way.

Kepner met me at the door, and filled me in as we waited for the ambulance.

"Grey and Karev are still in surgery, Amelia's here" Amelia waved for my other side to make a point. "and Torres & Robbins are on there way along with Shepherd once he gets the kids to daycare."

I nodded once, and we stood in silence waiting for the ambulance.

Amelia smiled at me, and I let a warm smile back at her, before glancing to the ring on her finger.

I still could barely believe I was engaged.

I mean, I'd been married before. But Amelia was completely different than Cristina had been. Cristina had been easy, everyday, of course I meant that in the best way possible.

... But Amelia was like a story book character. Enticing, enchanting, beautiful. But unreal. Sometimes I didn't know if I even wanted to be with her for the rest of my life.

But today was a better day with us, and I was happy to call her my fiancee.

The ambulance pulled up, shaking me from my thoughts.

Two paramedics hopped out, one going to the back to unload the patients, and one coming to me to brief me on their conditions.

"Two young girls, age range 4-5 years old. One is concious with some minor lacerations and the other is unconcious with a major head wound and some bone contusions. Blood type A positive. The mothers behind in another ambulance." she said, before rushing over to help the other paramedic.

What I Thought I'd Never Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن