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Before you get toooo excited, this is a short chapter.

"Can I get a master suite for two nights please."

"That'll be 856 per night and a total of 1,812 with tax," the blonde receptionist said.

Justin handed her his card. I turned towards him and whispered, "A standard room would have sufficed."

"Can I please see an ID?"

Justin showed her his ID. After she had finished the transaction she gave him the key. We walked over to the elevators and waited for one after pressing the button. Justin's arm was securely wrapped around my waist. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. "Hi," he said.

I giggled, "Hi there."

"I love you so much," he whispered.

I smiled, "I love you too."

He smiled and pressed his lips on my forehead, "Thank you."

The elevator doors opened and a family with three little kids came out. The mother struggled to get the stroller out while the father struggled to keep the two of the kids from fighting. "Christopher stop fighting with your sister!" He yelled. Just as the kids started getting off the doors started closing and one of the little girls screamed. The father put his hands in front of the doors so they would open back up again. Justin helped him and held the doors back.

They finally managed to get off. "Thank you," the man said to Justin. Justin smiled and we got into the elevator. I remembered how Justin wanted ten kids. Maybe he stil does.

Once we were on out floor, floor 16, we walked to the door and Justin unlocked it with the key. The room was huge, it had a king sized bed along with a couch, a kitchen, a bathroom, a walk in closet, and a balcony.

"This is huge..." I whispered.

"I know, only the best for you," he said throwing his bag on the floor and crashing onto the bed. He patted the spot next to him. I slowly climbed onto the bed and laid by him. "Promise to never leave me," he said, "but only promise if you'll keep your promise."

"I promise," I said.


"Go shower," I ordered kissing his cheek.

"Okay," he said getting up and waking into the bathroom.

I got up and walked over to the sliding doors that led to the balcony. I stepped outside and looked at the beautiful view of downtown LA. It was completely mesmerizing.

I promised Justin to never leave him... Am I going to keep that promise? For now I think so. I stood out on the balcony for a while and a few minutes later I heard the shower stop. I didn't think anything of it until Justin started calling out my name.

"Felicity? Where are you? Felicity!" He yelled.

I quickly rushed back inside. My first thought was that we was hurt, but he was perfectly fine with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was panicking.

"I'm right here," I said.

He let a sigh of relief out and ran his hand through his hair. "Thank God... I thought you left," he mumbled.

I walked closer to him, "I didn't. I'm still here."

He pulled me into his arms and I swear I could clearly hear his heart racing in his chest. He had panicked when he didn't see me. He's traumatized and scared that I might leave him again.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I said.

He smelled clean and a little like smoke still but the smell wasn't as strong as before. His body was cold from the cold water that he had used, and he there were some water droplets that were still on his skin. When I pulled away from the hug my shirt was slightly wet. "Sorry," he said.

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