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Look at the Pic above pls as new characters are being introduced!
Songs of the chapter:
Fly away- 5SOS
Empathy- Staind

"Hannah? I heard there are some new people moving in! Isn't that exciting!" My mom said happily looking outside at the empty house next to us. Great. New people, more questions and explanations.
Hopefully they are decent, I have a small problem with annoying people....small.

"Yea...great" I mumbled sarcastically, my mom shot me a disapproving glare. I walked upstairs, plopping on my bed.
I wish Calum was here
I bit my lip and picked my phone up...I wonder where he had to go?
Oh well....I don't want to be that clingy girlfriend, so I just tossed my phone next to me.

There is nothing to do! Wait...maybe Michael can come over?
I quickly typed his contact name in- Loser🍆
As he made me make it that....I smiled lightly before clicking the call button.

"Hey?....shhh shut up guys!" He whispered then I heard a noise that sounded like he threw something at someone.
"Um..hi?" I said....maybe I shouldn't have called him?
"Oh...hi Hannah" he put emphasis on my name and the giggles in the background stopped, turning to a uncomfortable silence.

"I can see your uh..busy? I just wanted to hang" I explained breaking the awkward silence.
" yea, sorry...maybe tomorrow?" He sounded so uncomfortable!
"B-" I was cut off by the sound indicating that he had hung up. I groaned at myself before tossing the phone once again next to me.

I couldn't help the small feeling of...jealousy? I don't know...but everyone was out somewhere and I wasn't doing anything....literally.
And maybe the feeling that they were keeping secrets popped up to...maybe.
I sighed when mikey hung up....this is torturous.
"God...I hate you all" he moaned sitting next to Ashton.
" love us" Luke grinned. Yes Luke. I know what your thinking...but they needed a bassist and....I offered. And I honestly...I like hanging with the old gang again. Before everything went crazy.

"So are we gonna practice?" Luke asked standing up to the mic, I nodded and followed by his side. Ash and mike followed grabbing their instruments and getting in place...well for ash sitting down as we were at his apartment.
"ONE TWO THREE FOUR" Luke yelled as mikey started to strum American Idiot by green day.
We all followed his lead and played through the song...we weren't bad.

I just hope Hannah doesn't find out....
I woke to the sound of buzzing...great. The tiny but bright light of my phone seemed to blind me as I was in complete darkness.

Baby: Hannah?
Baby: pumpkin?
Baby: are you asleep!?!
Baby: your asleep....
Baby: Hannah omg wake up!
Baby: babyyyyy plz wake up!
Baby: .....I hate you
Baby: so it texts?
Me:.....I hate what do you want!?! I woke up to buzzing on my head
Baby: sorry! :) :* I love you
Me:...yea what do you want?
Baby: someone's cranky....:(
Me: well your being annoying so
me:....sometimes :/
Baby: your nice....
Me: Just what do you want!?!
Baby: I was lonely... :( come over ;)
Me: no. Now good night
Baby: please! :( I beg of you
Me: night
Baby: fine then come over in the morning? I need my baby!
Me:.....ugh omg fine now leave me alone!
Baby: yay! Sleep tight princess!
Baby: I know ;)

I tossed my phone onto the floor as I didn't want to be woken up again, it was probably around 2am...he's honestly crazy sometimes.
I shrugged the thought away and closed my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep again.
"HANNAH!" Groan.
"HANNAH!" Groan.
"I HEARD YOU THE FIRST THOUSAND TIMES IM ASLEEP" I screamed at the top of my lungs, basically throwing a tantrum.
"Hannah! Don't ever speak to me that way again or else-"
"Shut up!" I groaned covering my ears with two of my many pillows. My mom glared at me intently before storming out. Ugh...I feel terrible.

I let a huge sigh escape my lips before checking my phone. Of course Calum texted me saying I was late...great. Just great.
I quickly knew what was happening as was that time again...
I groaned as loud as I could before standing up.
That explains why I was in bed at 12...and the constant pain in my stomach.

I dressed in light blue skinny jeans, A Black nirvana tee, and slung on a red flannel that had a smiley face on the made me smile!
I threw my hair in a messy pony as I was in no mood to deal with putting my hair in a bun....I find them very difficult.
I slowly applied powder and eyeliner onto my dead-looking face and slipped my combat boots on.

"Bye mom!" I yelled sarcastically before exiting the house. I took my new black jeep....I had a better car then my mom but I bought it.
I've been saving since I was 12....I really wanted this. I drove to a Walgreens and trudged inside.

I made my way to the...female section and picked out a tampon pack of 20 before heading to the register. Great. There was a guy with black hair, maybe mid 20's, electric blue eyes and just..he was adorable to be honest.
I groaned noticing he was the only one open. I got in line and glared at the looks a couple of older ladies gave me while I was standing unpatiently.

"Hello!" He cheered scanning my item.
"Will this be all?" I rolled my eyes.
"No I want all of this invisible stuff to" I muttered grabbing my box and handing him a 20 dollar bill.
"S-sorry?" He asked seeming quite confused on the I have to spell it?
I waved my box on the air for the guy.
"Do you need a invitation?" I asked snatching my change from him.
" need to calm down" he whispered grabbing into my wrist.
"Yea and you need to learn how to act around girls" I spat before walking out as I had the attention of everyone in the store. Like I said...I hate stupid people!

I got to Calums house and walked inside...I was here enough for them to know it was me. Calum rushed to my side and immediately smashed his lips on mine. I growled and pushed him off of me.
"What's wrong?" He asked running his hands through his hair.

"Take a guess!" I snapped waving my bag in the air again, I waited for him to catch on.
"Oh...I'm sorry Hannah I didn't know" he apologized making me scoff.
"Well maybe I should've informed my boyfriend that I was cranky so he wouldnt maul me when I walked in his house!" I snapped...I guess you could say I'm more of a cranky girl during this?

"What the? Hannah c'mon we can watch Netflix and cuddle! Okay?" He breathed running a hand through his hair. That sounded so amazing..,but I didn't want to be to persuaded.
"Fine" I said not trying to sound too desperate.
"Great!" He smiled dragging me upstairs to his room.

hey! This one was kinda slow sorry but next chapter the new characters (Becky and Taylor) will come in play!
Soooo yea again sorry for not updating but..TOMORROW IM GOING TO ROWYSO SO IM SO EXCITED!
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Lots of love~ Alanna 😘 😘

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