I looked behind me to see if my parents saw the man too, but they were gone.

I took one big gulp of air and tapped him on the shoulder, hoping that it was the man I wanted to see. And although he looked slightly different from the back I knew exactly who it was when he turned around, "Trent."

He turned around the same time I said his name, and right when he saw me he tackled me into a hug kissing all over my neck, and then wrapping my legs around his torso before sitting down on the ground and taking me with him. He pulled back enough for me to look at him closer. All of the whip marks were gone; his skin looked like there was never any damage done to it. His eyes were also wide open again, letting me see the beautiful green color.

"Your eye color has changed."

He laughed as he took a part of my hair that fell in my face and put it behind my ear. "They have not changed they just went back to normal. You know I was human before?"

"I know, I just didn't know what you would look like." I admitted.

"Well, I knew what you looked like. And I must say that I love your brown eyes better then the black."

"I couldn't agree more." I expected my eyes to be back to the brown color, and although I couldn't see them I'm glad I felt more like me—the human me. "So how is it being human after so many years?"

"It's so strange not hearing so many noises and not being able to see so far ahead of me, but I have got to see my parents." He got really shy at the end. "To think I would have never saw them again and then they just show right up in front of me like they were right here this whole time, just waiting for me to show up. I also saw Kally and her family, and drew is with her again." He smiled as I leaned down and rested my head on his chest.

"How have you seen so many people?"

"You think about who you want to see and then you can see them, but you both have to think about the other person to see each other."

I nodded my head, and then asked him another question I have been wanting to ask since I jumped into the fire. "How did you get captured?"

"There was a full line of vampires when we arrived, the boy that was leading us ran right into the mob of vampires when he let us inside. I only got to take down some people before they all gained up on me and when I looked to the side Kally was being taken in a different direction. Once they tied me up Jen showed her face and told me everything that you did." I gulped, expecting the worst. "And once she told me that you loved me too much to kill me, I didn't care anymore when the whip came out. She also said that you would be arriving shortly, but I didn't believe her, until you were only yards away crying."

I was crying now, but instead of blood it was salty wet tears. Trent wiped them away with the back of his hand. "I do love you Trent." I had actually said the words out loud, and once I did a smile took up his face.

"I love you too." He rubbed soothing circles on my back as I held onto him tighter.

"What do you think will happen to us now? Do you think we will go to hell?" I asked, now feeling dried up tears on my face.

"Not all vampires go there. Not all vampires are bad people." His words calmed me down.

"What about Jen, do you think she went?" I was thinking for her to be with Lucas she would have needed to take the good path, but I wasn't sure if she was good enough to go.

"To tell you the truth I believe she didn't go to hell, because she killed me and other people for all the right reasons. If to get rid of me got rid of all the vampires that were messing up everything that I once loved before I was turned, then so be it." He stopped talking for a little bit then continued. "Im also glad in a way she killed me. The only person I would have wanted to stay for, the same person I had been waiting for years to find...came with me, and is now safe in my arms."

After his speech I knew I made the right choice; I was glad I jumped into the fire.

The bright light that I saw when I first arrived showed up again, but this time I saw a glimpse of my parents inside waving at me. I wasn't going to hell after all.

I got off the ground first and held my hand out to Trent to help him get up although he didn't; he just continued to sit on the floor. Did he not see the light?

"Do you not see the light? I asked.

"I see it, I was just thinking. You know I never asked you to marry me?" He grabbed my hand that was reaching out to him and firmly grabbed it as he sat up off the ground and went onto one knee. "Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

I didn't have to think for more than a second, "yes." He got up and kissed me straight on the lips, and I kissed him back.

"I told you we would spend eternity together." His green eyes fluttered close again as he leaned in and gave a kiss on his mark, that was still on my wrist, and interlocked our fingers together. We both started to walk to the light together.

"I guess you weren't lying when you meant eternity," I stated.

"I wouldn't lie about that." He paused in his steps, "and it's an eternity I'm happy to spend with my beloved, My Chloe."

THE BOOK IS OVER!!! This is so unbelievable to me! i have finished my first book on wattpad! An actual book! With a beginning and end! For those who have joined me later in this process I want you to know I I posted this book on January 26, 2014 and finished on August 24, 2015! 

I remember making this account and thinking what kind of story I was going to write about...and started writing about a bird and a fish (yes, this is the intro of the story, I just kept it since I liked it) and soon that story turned into a way a girl talked about how she got kidnapped. Suddenly the idea of vampires happened and I was on my way to writing chapters. Then that dreaded moment of "Whats going to happen next?" happened and I didn't write for two months.

I started having other ideas for books and made my book of "Story ideas," because I knew I was never going to write them all and thought other people might like to read them, but while I was writing those I got excited to write about vampires again, and so I plotted for the first time (I'm a pantser writer and just go with the flow of the story so this whole planning thing was a big deal) although sometimes I wrote things that surprised even me and had to change the plot around. aka. When Kyle turned against Chloe.

I really can't thank you enough for reading this story and supporting me with your votes and comments helping me be motivated along the way! And if you like this book please feel free to follow or check out any more stories I will be posting in the near future.

So sorry for the ridiculously long authors note that some people will probable skim read or not at all, but who cares! Its my last authors note for this story and I wanted to make it good!

ps. I'm entering it in the watty's!!

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