" I want a answer shinna I'm asking nicely I hope you don't prefer me to make you tell me right ?"

I just look at him dumbfolded and walk back to the couch and sat down propping my legs on the other end of the couch practically taking up the whole couch leaving liu no where to sit, not that I care that much about it. I starred out my foggy window admiring the rain. The rain had always made me feel comfortable and better when I was having bad days. Today just had to be bad when it was turning out good. The cops are still probley searching for me, Jeff's brother is here and I am stuck here because of the rain. My family's completely gone, I don't even know if my friends remember yet again miss me. Just when I thought everything would get better coming back to the mansion with the others, but it got worse. Zalgo is manipulating my dreams so its hard to sleep or get some rest. I went up stairs hoping that i had ome clean cloths uo there. I gound a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. I went to the bathroom to take a showrr if the water was still on. Surprisingly it was still on. So I jumped in the shower and did my business. I got out and got dressed in my new clean clothes and went back down and layed down on the couch again. Before I knew it I was getting sleepy and I drifted off into a tiredness sleep.


I woke up in the house but this time it looked new and not ragedy. My mom, my real mom was alive and my dad was here. Happy as can be even I was happy. My brother wasn't born at this time not till my dad married my step mom. Mom and dad were laughing and playing around and having fun. How could I not remember this. The most important memory I have left of my mother and sane father. After my mom died of cancer my dad went crazy and thought if he married another woman he would be happy again but he went crazy and ran off thinking it be best to leave me with this physco step mother and her spoiled son. I remember crying and praying at night for him to come back for me but that dream never came true. None of my dreams ever come true. Except one, to get as far away as possible from here. Then the dream skipped to a burning town and screaming civilians. Animals running away from the woods near the town and cars driving and crashing into buildings and other cars.


I shot up from the couch and found Liu had fallen asleep too but he was on the floor. I felt bad so I woke him up and dragged him to my room to sleep the rest of the night. He didn't day anything to me he only yawned and went back to sleep. I sighed and walked out leaving the door cracked open. Why are they so different but act the same. I went back to my couch and tried to go back to sleep. Since it was raining I'm just gonna sleep in longer than usual. I have gotten so use to waking up early for training but that's no longer needed right now. I closed my eyes and tried to stop thinking about my trouble life and go back to sleep.


The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed the house windows were letting the sunlight flow through and brighten up the sad house. I felt better and the rain has stopped. It was still a bit cloudy out but not enough to rain. I walked upstair heading to my old bedroom where I let liu sleep in. The door was still cracked open and there layed Liu still deeply asleep. I closed the door back to how it was and walked back downstairs. Everything seemed to be the same just, abandoned and empty. I took a deep breath in and I let a deep one out, can't believe they left all their stuff.



where the hell did she go ~groans~ I hate it when she disappears like this. Happens all the time and "I" have to be the one to go find her. Sure she's fucking hot and I would really bang the hell out of her but, she's blue boy girl and smilys girl. If she ever chooses one and stop making them bitches fight every time they see each other. ~rubs chin~ or.... I could just take her from them and she can be all mine. I might even make a better boyfriend than them two twits together. ~laughs~ yea im gone make cupcake mine !


"dude you're talking to yourself again ! And who's cupcake ? ~furrows eyebrows~ " jeff comes from out the mansion.

"Oh uhh what do you mean talking to myself ? I wasn't talking to myself. !! ~laughs sarcastically ~ I was just you know the usual, and I don't know what you mean my cupcake I didn't say cupcake and if I did I guess I'm really really hungry."

" hn whatever dude ~walks back inside mansion~"

~wipes away fake sweat off forehead~ damn that was close

"What was close ?"

"Ohhh hey jack what you doing out here this late ?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Oh yea have fun with that bro"

"What was close though ?"

"I almost messed up my chip that helps me disguise as a human 17 year old"

"Have fun with that then. Before I go have you seen shinna yet ? Did you find out where she's at ?"

"No I'll go looking for her in a few minutes I have to fix this chip before I do anything..."

Jack walked away and I was now alone again well at least I think I am. I decided to check around the mansion in case she was still around here just hanging out. She was no where to be found near the mansion so I activated the chip in the back of my neck and I was disguised as a 17 year old blonde boy with green eyes. I teleported out of the woods into town nearby. "Shinnas hometown". I began to walk around looking for shinna maybe she was around here somewhere. Not that she be out where anyone could see her but I'm sure she's somewhere near here. I finally spotted her house and I quickly found a window to crawl in. When I got in it was so dirty and dusty around like no ones be occupying this house for a long time now. I think I was on the second floor since I did climb into the top window. I walked around keeping my footsteps silent till I found out who was in here. I walked into rooms and found them all empty. There was one left and a bathroom. After I got done checking the bathroom I opened the last room door wide open and there was Jeff's brother. Why Jeff's brother though why is he even here. I poked at his scars on his face to wake him up. When he got up he swung at me but knowing how awesome I am I dodged his attempts to hit me and caught his hand. He jerked out my grip leaving me to sighed deeply and remove the chip in my neck. I quickly formed back into myself and he stopped and tensed up.

"Yea yea its me ben liu. Why are you at cupcakes house ?"He just stayed quiet so I decided to just leave it at that.

"So where's shinna at ? Is she here too. "He only nodded so I walked out to look for her. I found her on the couch sleeping.

"I'm sure glad that she's safe"

Ok so enjoy this and prepare to be mind blowned away. For the next upcoming chapters anyways so uhhh yea enjoy (: bye but before I go my birthday is Today^.^ omg I hate birthday parties but I'm glad to be getting older lmao can y'all guess my age xD

~stay creepy little ones~

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