Chapter 14

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As I was getting me some eggos and drowning them with syrup, I started to stuff my face with the sweet sticky heavenly food. I went to the living room and sat on the couch stuffing it down my throat and drinking a little milk as it went down. My head felt numb at the time I was confused and my head started hurting so I let it go and I guess I will think about it later and maybe talk to slenderman about this. He might give me some more helpful information about the proxy stuff and the rake and I pray that I'm not the next proxy that would ruin my life. Not that it was perfect to start with ~signs~ I have a fucked up life. Sometimes I always thought of just running away and here I am, in a whole different place surrounded by serial killers. I sat up straight and thought about how my life was going and why they haven't killed me already though they like me. At least I think they do anyways. I got up and walked back to the kitchen and placed my dishes in the sink and went to the door to the outside world. I stood there taking a few deep breaths. I could feel my heart start to race. My head telling me to stay in that the rake would be out there waiting to pounce on me and chew me to pieces. As always I ignored the pleads and opened the and stepped out. I closed the door quietly behind me to keep anyone from knowing I was out here. I walked into the woods and kept a eye out for anything unusual and made sure I knew the way back so I didn't get lost. It was a beautiful bright day. It was noisy I could hear birds chirping songs and tunes to other birds, squirrels running up and down trees searching for food and the  peaceful breeze of the wind blowing through my hair, making it flow with the wind. I could hear dead leaves crunching underneath my feet as I was walking. I never thought the woods would be so peaceful and wonderful in so many ways. People always said it was dangerous and that people disappeared and never came back out but to me they probley wanted to disappear from the world and be free. That's my thought anyways. Something disturbed my thoughts and I got uncomfortable when I reliezed it was really quiet I didn't even hear the forest animals not even the wind blowing through the tree tops. I stopped in my track and looked around thinking something was watching me. I laughed to myself like a physco thinking to myself I was crazy and just paronoid. I wonder what Jeff's doing right about now maybe hmm maybe I should go back just to see.

~crackling noises from above tree tops~

Hmm"what" ~fake laughs~ ahh haha tree you got me for a second

Shinna starts walking back again but faster than before scared that some things gonna pop up from behind her and attack.

Argggh ~wipes sweat from her forehead~ the mansion is finally in view again home sweet home or home death home I should say. ~grunts~ well then I can't believe I was all shooked up for nothi.. ~attacked before she could finish her talking to her self~

AHHHH !!! ARGG !! HE..HELPP !! ~Crackles a scream before something is making it hard for her to speak yet breath~

P..pleas..please someone !!!??!! ME !!

~running footsteps~

Before I knew it I felt hands grab me and they were cold I knew it was Jeff . before I knew it my guess was right Jeff had heard me so did ben and eyeless jack. Jeff rushed me inside, as I was being carried in I happen to see who my attacker was.... "The Rake". "He found me" ... "He tried to kill me" I nervously choked out before jeff pressed his fingers to my lips shushing me. I stood up from where I was and ran up stairs falling down a couple times on the way up. I shuffled through my closet looking for something till something busted my window. All I felt was broken prices of glass falling on top of me and all over the place. I stood up and quickly shook off glass only to get yanked from my feat and slammed to the ground. I grunted from the pain and stumbled to stand up from the combat and looked into the eyes of something far from evil. It was a disgusting smell I can't believe what I was seeing. A crook smile plastered on my face. My eyes were wider than ever as if they could pop out of my eye sockets at anytime.

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