Chapter 29

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I knew something was wrong when I got up from bed. Liu had told me this would be the day zalgo would appear and destroy not just the town but the world and everyone in his way of doing so. I was the one that had to prevent this. I ran out the mansion not even Dressed I didn't care what I was wearing. I don't have time to get dress I need to go now before it starts and I lose everything I have ever knew.

I finally made to the town and i walked around looking for anyone outside or driving. There was nothing I started to panicked. Negative thoughts raced around in my head and I couldn't make it stop.

"They are all dead"
"Your all alone again"
"Your pathetic"
"You're to late human"

STOP !! I grabbed at my head and shakes my head brutally.

"Going insane I see"

I looked up and saw zalgo standing with dead corpses of a once young guy. I watched as he threw the dead guy to me. I dodged it and stood my ground waiting for him to make a move. "Is this really zalgo" I don't know who this guy really is. I'll find out one way or another. I held my hand out and skarp knifes and small hand spears were thrown at him but with a wave of a hand they all fell straight down. I gasped and brought out my two knifes that were in their sheve. When I did I started to hear loud cries and screams all around me everyone was now running out of their houses and shadow figures were now clearly people that was being controlled by the shadows the only thing that's different is that they actually looked human but there bodies had black fog coming from them. I scream when two of them coming from both my sides are rubbing at me in full speed with knives held high in their hands I jumped out the way and the ran into each other and they both stabbed each other in the chest or lower stomach. Zalgo is now walking away before he sent five more to me I quickly jumped over all of them and ran at him to catch up. He then began to run faster and out of town into the city I was gasping for air now and I couldn't breath my chest was tightening. I remember was sally taught me and I did the technique I learned. As I was running I began to breath more calmer and I ran a bit faster each minute eventually I was right on his heels. I swung my knifes and it caught the back if his shoulder making him stop and fall over. He jumps up and throws a tree limb at me without even touching it. I fall down to the ground out of the flying branch that would of knocked me down either way. I coughed and looked up at zalgo who was now pissed off. I stood up and held my ground ready to strike again but I didn't know what to do he was way smarter than me. No. I an stronger, I am smarter. I will win this and he will go back to where he belongs. I'm jot gonna watch as innocent people die because I wasn't strong enough to save them I have to do this. Their bloods are now on my hands.

I ran at him and I could feel the wings tearing out of my shoulders skin. I grabbed zalgo by the throat and I flew as high as I could go with all the weight. I then flew down at fast speed. I out zalgo in front if me with my right hand as I made contact with the ground zalgo was brutally slammed onto it making him gasp for air but he kicked me off knocking me off him. I lost my grip on him and when I was about to get up he had his feet on my face. He pulled up and started to come down faster and faster. He was trying to break me at my weakest point. Before the third blow to the head I rolled over and he got more pissed off. He ran to me and growled in anger. I got up and ran my wings has now went back into my shoulders and my skin healed back over. I screamed in frustration u don't know where to run everywhere I went I ended up stopping to help someone. I had finally lost zalgo at the point but he could still be near and end up killing the civilian I was helping and along with me. I helped the lady and her baby son. I felt guilt leaving them so I then screamed as my wings ripped out again I grabbed the lady and her baby boy and flew as High as I could. I looked around and saw the tree house from my dreams. I flew there making sure no one was watching so I wouldn't drawl in any people that was corrupted by the shadows. I made it but nobody was there. I sighed and placed the woman inside sadtly and told her to not look outside and to stay hidden and quiet as possible she was still frightened from me but she managed to smile weakly and nodded. I flew out after I handed her one of my knife.

I was now looking for survivors or anyone out that needed my help I looked at the building where I saw my friends run to in my dreams but Jo one was near. I decided to check it out incase. When I walked in there was on a deep hole that didn't look to exactly end I looked away and someone from behind tackled me down and we both went down falling in the hole. I screamed and my wing were already out so I managed to fly but who ever was on my back was trying to rip my wings from my shoulders. I started to whimper in pain I started hitting the person with my elbow over and over trying to knock him off me but he would dodge my attempts. I sighed and groaned from both pain and frustration soon I got tired and I began to fall down into the endless hole. Eventually the person thought I was giving up and jumped to the side of the hole and held on that's when my wings spread back out and I flew up as fast as I could. I made it to the top and when I had flew past the guy he tried to jump onto me but I flew faster and he didn't get the chance to jump on me he jumped into the hole and nothing was heard from him just growling and grunting. I made it out and flew back out tha factory to fund zalgo before he causes more damage to the city. I am now having adrenaline pumping through my veins and I'm so anxious to kill zalgo I want him dead and I wanna watch as his blood pours out of him and he disappears in ashes. Of course that wouldn't kill him permantly he always come back but that's in years so everything will be good. I flew higher and faster. I wanna get this over with already. I flew past speeding cars and terrified civilians running from the direction in flying in. I decided that's where I would find zalgo killing innocent people. Please god help me if you hear me.

I passed many burning houses the smoke was thick and it was all around in the air. I couldn't fly no longer I ended up running. The smoke blinded me and made me gag. The longer the houses and everything else was burning the smoke got thicker and thicker. It was getting harder to breath, and to see. My eye sight was beginning to be blurry and my eyes started to water. No natter how much I wiped them it just affected my vision more.

Finding zalgo was hard enough but I kept running into corrupted shadows, I couldn't let them roam the streets and kill more people. I then spotted eyeless jack, he just dropped a dead corrupted shadow figured after he stabbed the heart in his hands. I watched as the figured turned back into human then few seconds to dust and ash. I sighed and ran to meet with him. He was coughing and wheezing but he's been doing this all day since he found out I was gone. Everyone else were in different places helped other out even little sally. Smile dog stopped touturing the civilians and actual help them. I sighed in relief that they were helping me so I could end this with zalgos ass. I'm tired of people dying in my arms because I was there to late. Am I worthless to this universe.

I ran off from Jack leaving him to protect the surviving people here. I soon meet up with jeff and he wouldn't leave my side so he was beside me to take care of the corrupted shadows as they cane through our oath soon enough I made it to zalgo and we both shared glances and I nodded that he could leave but he looked down then he grabbed the bottom of my chin and kissed me. I was shocked but I willingly kissed back with passion.

"Be mine again, be my cheery blossom"

I looked at him and a smile crept its way to my lips. I kissed him and I couldn't help but smile more widely

"Of course jeff !!" ~with excitement in her voice ~

I ran off after one last hug and I found zalgo along with three shadows beside him I saw as Jeff attracted their attention and led them off from zalgo. Zalgo was about to walk in Jeff's direction but I threw my knife at him and it struck his arm. He looked at the knife then at me. I could hear him growl and he pulled the knife out very brutally. Blood splattered onto the road. My surrounded were nothing but burning house and exploded cars. Along with ashes falling from tree tops that were in yards.

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