ghost friends

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ok ok let's break down the meaning of a "friend" first okay?

1. a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

okay lET'S BREAK DOWN THE MEANING OF FRIENDS FOR yOU. A friend is someone who is there for you, they don't have to be a crying shoulder, they are simply company you enjoy. When we friend someone (not on facebook you dummy) we want them by our side, we fall in love with the things they say and we bond with them. We can be complete opposites however we find a way to get along with each other. Now, not all friends are someone you rant to, someone you cry or pour your problems out to, sometimes they're simply just a figure you value in your life.

Now, if you do cry and rant to them and they know all your dirty lil secrets, somewhere deep inside you need them. We need them to be there. But what some friends do is they leave for days and perhaps months and you know they'll be there but they're 'gone' in a way. They come back and act as if nothing has happened. Leaving without any notice can be hard to handle, however, if you told me you would 'always be there' and I trust you, guess what? I except you to live up to your word and not become a ghost that leaves and comes back whenever you wish. If you knew you were going to go, then might as well at least tell me you're busy instead of leaving me clueless. What hurts is that when they change their profile picture and update statuses but don't message you or even bother to make any sort of contact with you. It makes you feel as if you wronged them or messed up and just a wave of emotions comes to drown you.

[^ preach it sims]

i could genuinely write a whole book about this, because it's what i've been thinking about for the past few days. it's really fucking pissing me off. a friend is meant to be there for you and is meant to listen to your crap. when they listen half heartedly it really annoys me, like i've just told you all my shit and you say, "okay. it's going to be okay." firstlY, you don't fucking know that. secondly, don't fucking change the   subject to you. most of our conversations are all about you actually, so shut the fuck up and don't say i don't listen to your problems. liAr. vejsnsj annoying as fuck.
the reason why we call it a "ghost friend" is because that person isn't actually there for you. they only text/call you when they need you. i'm not saying don't do that, but i'm saying that it would be nice if the whole fricking conversation isn't about yOu. also, they make false fucking promises that say, "i'll always be there for you." or "forever and always." nO. you're not always there, so shut your mouth. forever and always, my ass. when you make a promise, you should actually keep it. think before you speak mate.
ghosts friends suck.

honestly, don't become a ghost friend. it's one of the worst things, because that person might lose the trust and love they have for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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