fake friends

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This is something a lot of people can relate to bc i'm sure we've all got that one "friend" that screws us over from time to time.

It all starts when you become really good friends with that person, and by good friends i mean you talk frequently and you rant to each and everything's good like tropical trees in the Bahamas.

Then they decide to become friends with your friends. and I don't care if your friends with my friends bc that's great. I like all my friends together and it's fun together. but then they ignore you and act like you don't exist. like wtF i listen to your problems and give you advice and this is how you repay me. ANd then they act like you gave up on them. are you taking a piss? you ignore me and reply to them!!1!! and I don't tell you my shitty problems bc the only thing everybody says is that, "it'll get better soon" like how do you know that and the problem is I still care for you when you treat me like absolute shit. you tell everybody that I left you. lmao no I didn't and then ffs smh.

some people do that to get attention and they're hella sTOOPID. they become best friends with your friends but push you out- almost as if they want you to be jealous like lol i knew them before you so shut the hell up. they don't know how to be proper friends but it's okay a true friend wont ever do that and the ones who do treat you like shit, leave them bc they suck. and when they miss you, they'll be back. if they don't, its sometimes good not to have negative people in your life.

this is dedicated to all those idiots who think they get away with doing this bc HAHAA YOU DONT OK bYE.

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