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let's face it, everybody feels like they've been taken for granted once in their life. it's a dreadful feeling, but it's something you have to live with. remember to smile at the shit.

smh when people take you for granted it really annoys me. what people don't understand is that it's fucking annoying knowing that your whole conversation is all about them. it takes two to tango just like it takes two to make sure the friendship isn't sinking. and when they act like you've done some shit to them, like woah wtF mate, don't act all sad when literally nothing has happened. they act like they're the damsel in distress when they clearly aren't. telling other people that we're best friends is fucking lies. the person thinks they can say shit to you and get away with iT, like who the hell do you think you are? it's so annoying smh. i'll care about you to a certain extent and then you can piss in a bottle of shit. jxisnxjnaksjxhd being taken for granted feels horrible and basically is horrible. ew.

you try so hard to be their friend and listen to all their problems and try to keep them happy to the best of your ability. then you find out that they only talk to you when no one else is around and only use you for favors or advice. it feels like you're a second person in their life and you mean nothing to them, except as a 'backup.' like honestly, after all the shit we have been through, do you honESLTY think i faked all my friendship? no i was sincere but you screwed up by only using me when you needed to. i ain't a doll where you just pick up and use whenever, like damn -__- if barbie was here, she'd feel used too. 

to people who do this; you better stop. what if the person you're using cares about you the most and considers you their world? how would you feel if someone did that to you? yeah, not good aye? so stop bc you sucK and you're being a lunatic. -___-

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